Dark Extreme Metal Mix Advice


New Metal Member
Dec 19, 2008
Hello Everyone,

I am actually in the process of writing new material for my solo project. As I am doing everything on my own, I would like to have an opinion on the sound, because I feel I have lost a bit of objectivity. I feel the mix has still some flaws, but I am not sure what or where I can do something? I would welcome any useful suggestions. Thank you.

Pretty sure there are others more experienced here who could give you some tips on improving the mix but I think it might be an idea to compare it to some reference mixes and tweak the. Eq on individual elements. I'm not used to the headphones I'm listening but the balance sounds a bit odd somehow. I'd also say the arrangement of the keys could be pruned; for the most part it works but occassionally they fight with the guitars and I think that's songwriting/arrangement rather than a mixing problem. Cool track tho
I like the mix but because of nostalgia. This sounds very early dimmu borgir to me. But if you were trying to push the mix forward, I would say get rid of some of the reverb on the keys, and start Eqing. With some of the older orchestral soundfont stuff, you sometimes have to push the eq pretty extreme to make it sound natural for some weird reason.
The mix definitely sounds very full with an old school symphonic metal vibe. Out of curiosity, what software are you using for the drums? I'm asking because they are the main instrument that stands out in need of some tweaking.