Dark Tower Comic

The books are INCREDIBLE!! Not quite sure what to expect from a comic book version on the them. (What is this?? All the books shortened and rolled into one comic?) Shouldn't the comic be titled "The Gunslinger" for the 1st book?

I'll admit, my curiosity is up..

I've seen it advertised in my books and at my comic store. I know certain folks (named Tad) may be interested in this:

- Stephen King: Dark Tower
From what I remember from a while ago, when they first said they were gonna do the comics, is that King was gonna write them, and they would probably be new stories about the Gunslingers early life.
Not sure if thats whats happened, but Im to lazy to go an check just now.
From what I remember from a while ago, when they first said they were gonna do the comics, is that King was gonna write them, and they would probably be new stories about the Gunslingers early life.
Not sure if thats whats happened, but Im to lazy to go an check just now.

Yeah, the comics are prequels.

I know Peter David is one of the writers.
I can't wait for this. When I finished the last book the feeling just sucked. No more reading about Roland, my favorite character in a book ever. It's great that they're going to keep adding to the legend.