Dark Tranquillity in studio


Dyslexics Untie!
May 24, 2002
Rocklin, CA
Dark Tranquillity are about to enter the studio...from the official band site

"Next week, we’ll embark to the familiar quarters of Studio Fredman to begin the recording of our seventh, as-yet-untitled, full length album. We’re been working extremely hard with the material and feel that the result will be a diverse and exciting offering that will leave most of our current fans more than satisfied. Of course, this is what all bands say, so you’ll have to wait a couple of months until you’re able to hear for yourselves. No release date is set yet, but it’s realistic to assume that the CD will be out either shortly before or shortly after the summer.
As mentioned, no album title has been decided yet, but some tentative song titles are “One thought” (previewed on our recent Italian tour), “Lost to apathy” and "Mind matters".

It will be tough to top "Damage Done" but I have a feeling they'll do their damndest to try. Looking forward to this one.
I cant see how this cd can turn out bad. Dark Tranquillity already did electronics and clean vocs and all of it sounded great, and it usually stinks when a band does it. Definitely looking forward to this cd \m/
I read somewhere Anders of In Flames sang the vocals on DT's first record.

I haven't heard it. Is it any good? Does it sound like Jester Race?
No it sounds somewhat like the Gallery. It's pretty friggin cool. I just bought it like a month ago. If you enjoy The Gallery you'll like skydancer. He sounds kind of like Mikael on it.
Originally Posted by MindInsane
Right on Dude! ......... I loved CandleBox! One of the best bands to come out of that Seattle..IMO!

I find it kind of ironic that you would alter my post (trying to jab me) and insert Candlesuck in the place of Dark Tranquility...considering the fact that you're the one who owns a Candlesuck cd. I can't stand that band, they were copycats of the worst kind. I know you like them DE, but I just can't go there....sorry:Smug:
Officer Nice said:
I read somewhere Anders of In Flames sang the vocals on DT's first record.

I haven't heard it. Is it any good? Does it sound like Jester Race?
It's actually really interesting how In Flames and Dark Tranquillity's paths have crossed. Mikael Stanne did the vocals on In Flames' first album, "Lunar Strain". Anders Friden did the vocals on Dark Tranquillity's first album, "Skydancer". 10 years later the roles have been reversed.
MindInsane said:

I find it kind of ironic that you would Walter my post (trying to grab me) and insert a Candlesick in the place of Dark Tranquility...considering the fact that I'm the one who owns a Candlesuck cd. I can't slam that band, they were coolcats of the best kind. I know you hate them DE, but I just can't go there...Now back to my Rabbit.......sorry:Smug:

:erk: :loco: :erk: :grin: :Smug:
Steiner said:
It's actually really interesting how In Flames and Dark Tranquillity's paths have crossed. Mikael Stanne did the vocals on In Flames' first album, "Lunar Strain". Anders Friden did the vocals on Dark Tranquillity's first album, "Skydancer". 10 years later the roles have been reversed.

You really need to get over the whole "rabbit" fixation. I'm sure Freud would have a hayday with that one! Please stop being disgusting...thanks!