Info on the new album!

They've got this week before they, well, have to get the hell out of the studio, that's the booking schedule from what I've heard.
There is another band who'll start their recording sessions at Studio Fredman the 23rd of feb. anyway, and that's not something I've read on blabbermouth, if you know what I mean... They'll probably lay all the drumtracks the first couple of days there next week, but that's just speculation, I don't know how much space they'll take...
Yeah, I guess they'll run something from the stuff DT needs to do simultaneously as the drummer in "that other band" does his stuff. I know that DT works alot with computers, protools I guess, and maybe they've got demos and shit all done with the bass/guitars/keyboards and all the rest of the dingelingdang-stuff they might add there. They should be able to record that stuff pretty fast, but I don't know, maybe Studio Fredman is as big as a church.
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Anders Friden is recording Dark Tranquillity in Phlat Planet which is next to Studio Fredman, I don't know if they share the same equipment in any way. The Haunted are gonna be recording in Fredman from the 23rd. Anders put down drums for the first song today.
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Good news Tranquillian! Keep us up to date!

Which brought an idea to my mind: How about the band made a studio-diary? I think it would be great to get to know what's going on in their heads while they are recording. At the very least, a couple of photos from the studio like the last time would be nice to see...

Anders is done with the drums and I believe the guitars have been set up, they might even have started recording.
I can't wait! :hotjump:
Vocals for 7 songs have been laid down. Almost all solos are done. The recordings will end on monday and then its time for the mix.