I'm absolutely certain that the 30 second sample showed up, and I did listen to it. I'm also certain that the song in question is not one that I'd heard before (i.e. not the album or U.S. bonus tracks). I just checked the different editions listed on Amazon, and none of them show it. I know I heard this track.
Prooflink or it never happened
...so I guess it never happened
But seriously - that's kinda strange: B&A meant to be an exclusive iTunes deal, and it making onto Amazon... Steve jobs would be calling A Japanese bonus track maybe?
We'll never get to the bottom of this =)
I understand exactly why Amazon does it; I just think it's a stupid system. Even if Amazon goes to all the trouble of offering a better experience than iTunes, non-Statesians have no way of rewarding them financially. Since some people can't run iTunes, Amazon might work. Giving customers around the world fewer opportunities to buy just makes piracy look better.
Of course, the tangle of contracts and redistribution rights of yesteryear makes it pretty much impossible to find an easy solution. Literally millions of contracts need to be (re)negotiated. That's why I vote for a swift and permanent ban on copyright of any sort. But that's just me.
Hey, system could be anything, but stupid - meh, i'd rather know more about how it works (and most importantly WHY). I want to get on Spotify, for example, but it's n/a for US yet (correct?)
It all would become universal eventually it seems, but there way to many cogs in this machine to expect it to happen in our lifetime (if ever).
Now, let me finish that book - will ya?