DARK TRANQUILLITY news update 2002-02-05


Sep 17, 2001
Terra firma
And here it is, for those of you not on the mailing list:

Hi all,

Tomorrow we'll start recording the next magnum opus,
and we're very enthusiastic about the material. As
a special goodie before we lock ourselves up in the
studio, we've added a Real video clip (courtsey of
our regular contributor Volkan Demiröz, thanks a lot!)
of two songs from the Istanbul gig last autumn. A very
intimate and crazy show, as can be seen on the video.

Check it out in the "medial stimuli" section.


P.S. We'll try to make some studio reports to keep you
updated on the progress, but obviously the recording
duties are first priority...but I'm sure there will be some
news pretty soon.
at last :)
i am really curious to hear the new album, since the titles songs are quite weird :)

how will you do, for Martin ? he will record the whole keyboards of the album before to go touring with Tiamat ? that sounds me strange to begin by the keyboards, but i think the tour will begin soon :confused:

i guess we can't expect that the album will be released before the summer ?
i heard one song is gonan something like format c:, i really hope that isn't true.
you would have prefered a rm - .... (pfff 1 year without using any X os and i forgot the options to make the equivalent of a format :( ... what a lamer i am)

but it's pretty obvious that the song won't be about the joy of formatting under MS-DOS :)
i am troubled by that title since i have no clue of the meaning of cortex ..., but the format c: is a metaphore ... same for Cathode ray sunshine, who shouldn't speak about how a TV works ...
in fact, i love those songs titles ... onlty the titles are enough to give me the will to buy the album, they draw my curiosity :)
yeah its gonna be a while til its released..........i cant fuckin wait tho, ill go check out those videos in a bit.....
:hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:

but well I didn't get the email from the mailing list :err:

ehmmmmmm it is much to ask somekind of daily post on a new thread????? I guess it is....but well I'm so selfish...I know! :rolleyes:

and well go for it dudes....and if you see any vixens there, just tell them to keep you playing, not to disturb.... :gring:

fathervic (who knows 2002 will be a great year for his metal collection!!!!!!!!! New DG and new BT, it couldn't be better!!!!)
cool news :cool:
cliché to say but i am both excited and worried

~mel~ (who is also waiting for the new Opeth and the In the woods... live :cry: )
@siren you live for that kinda stuff dont ya? ;)

@FV Whats your problem man trying to make dirty new emoticons.........you should be BANNED! Well not banned......but held in cotempt


picking out dirty little remarks, 1 second after a post is made! I see the evil behind it all...............

Final_Vision: (allllllllll in jest ;) )
hope not to get banned.....and actually missing the img option on!
I could post my emoticon done by me, and then I would do some more to show how I would squezze you :p