DARK TRANQUILLITY news update 2002-02-05

I understand the cortex is a part of the human brain responsible for the "higher" emotions we have...love, sorrow and other stuff animals are not supposed to feel.....I think.:confused:

Format C: for cortex...you can guess the meaning of that right?
@Shrieker, Gums: I d/l it again, still doesn't work. I tried to open it with Windows Media Player, maybe that's the problem :confused: I'll try it some more, thx for your help :)
I also had trouble gettin it to work
You have to download RealPlayer from realplayer.com
Its shitty though, so I'd get rid of it after you watch the video..
Glad to help! :)
Originally posted by Thanatos
I understand the cortex is a part of the human brain responsible for the "higher" emotions we have...love, sorrow and other stuff animals are not supposed to feel.....I think.:confused:

Format C: for cortex...you can guess the meaning of that right?

Well, now it actually sounds pretty interesting, thanks for the clear-up Thanatos.

|ngenius: You are sick! :s

-Villain (hothumping while he waits for the release of the new album)