Dark Tranquillity Song Survivor - round 26

Choose the least good song

  • Total voters


Doctor BenQuillity
May 7, 2001
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And here we go again!

You know the rules: Choose from the above list the one song you think isn't quite good enough to go to the next round - and provide us with your reasonings if you can. And no cheating.

White Noise / Black Silence was voted out last round.

Let's wait... now that WN/BS is gone, Nether Novas is certainly my least favourite song here... but if Monochromatic Stains is threatened again I may adapt my vote :)
Shadow Duet
people are doing stupid things but strategic voting is just one more step away from me. i'll stick with hedon for the time being.
The efficiency of the poll was lowered the minute the initial board-group changed members.
KryptoN said:
Strategic voting sucks and lowers the efficiency of the poll.

True, but that's the name of the game. It would be impossible to try to prevent people from voting strategically - so instead we encourage such behaviour and hope to gain something by reverse psychology. o_O

I failed to vote strategically to save A Bolt of Blazing Gold or Nether Novas (both of which are in my all-time DT top-10) and instead just voted On Your Time, which is an okay song but way below the others on the list (except for Monochromatic Stains, which is the next one to go).
