Dark Tranquillity Song Survivor - round 30

Which song is NOT quite as great as the others?

  • Total voters
Ch0rknabe said:
Hm, where has The Sun Fire Blanks gone? I lurked around here some time ago when it was still in the competition. You killed it =(

Yep, it died two rounds ago, alongside with On Your Time with 8 votes out of 43.

c dla marde .nether novas. i just dont understand why the emptiness form wich i fed can be vote out!!!!!
I choose Hedon, it's a good song though, so the decision was tough. Btw, when did Away, delight, away got kicked out? I think it should be in TOP5 at least..
@Exposure: yeah, it seems The Emptiness is gonna get it in the next round, or Nether Novas, which is even worse. Insanitys Crescendo and Mine is... are less great than the previous two imo.
Cuthalion said:
when did this poll exactly start? Has it been years?
it must have been years, definitely a long time before character came out and a long time after damage done. but villain will perhaps be more specific, since he is the keeper of such lost-in-time secrets.
i remember it was a summer. or spring. to summer.
Okay, I guess the results of this round are pretty clear by now already, so let's go to the next one. Rahvin, feel free to close this poll, I'll make the new one in a few days. -Villain