Originally posted by Misanthrope

None of you had a way to know it but it was actually a joke, to show everyone how annoying bandspam is.

Yeah right. I'm so fucking sure it was a joke. Using your own band.
You fucking removed that HUGE logo right after I complained about it and said nothing of it.
Originally posted by Arch

Yeah right. I'm so fucking sure it was a joke. Using your own band.
You fucking removed that HUGE logo right after I complained about it and said nothing of it.

Yes because the joke was going on at the opeth forum but i just forgot about my post here and how huge they would appear. Man you gotta get some help if you think anyone in their right mind would put a signature that big and dont consider it a joke, man it was almost 3 screens long, you are too bitter to think i was serious.
Originally posted by Misanthrope

Yes because the joke was going on at the opeth forum but i just forgot about my post here and how huge they would appear. Man you gotta get some help if you think anyone in their right mind would put a signature that big and dont consider it a joke, man it was almost 3 screens long, you are too bitter to think i was serious.

Fooled you! What I wrote was a joke. You didn't see that coming, didn't you?!? Ha ha ha.
Originally posted by Arch

Fooled you! What I wrote was a joke. You didn't see that coming, didn't you?!? Ha ha ha.

Im not playing mind games, i was merely stating the truth. But feel free to enjoy your little amusement, as you can see from my absense, this forum is now beyond me too, not worthy of my atention or more than simply lip service to it.
Originally posted by Misanthrope

Im not playing mind games, i was merely stating the truth. But feel free to enjoy your little amusement, as you can see from my absense, this forum is now beyond me too, not worthy of my atention or more than simply lip service to it.

Looks like someone can't take jokes. :D
in my humble opinion everybody on this thread tried very very hard to be in the wrong, possibly out of frustration for not having been involved in a flamewar yet. ;)

sorry if i sound preachy, but reading it all only now i feel like commenting on someone's attitude - hoping they won't take it too personal.

@ruinandmisery: your opinion about most threads here being boring and redundant is acceptable, and so is your choice to post only every once in a while when some news you call interesting pop up. what i find a bit out of place is your apparent naivety in being surprised some might link your disappearance/comeback to a desire for self-(including your band)promotion. i never kept track of what you posted and when, but if your main interest or conversation topic was your band i daresay you're not in a position to complain if someone points the finger at you and says "here comes the lilitu man again". it might be unpleasant, but you contributed to this by not coming clean and maybe not trying to be more friendly and less detached, thus showing beyond doubt your will to be involved in conversation instead of mere advertisement.

@zodi: this forum is also - at least afaik - the board that featured less mods control and threads deleted/users banned in all of ultimatemetal. there have been two consequences of this as far as i can see. the first is that ppl feel free to be very critical and unapologetic when they see something they don't like. the second is that most regulars here are quite self-conscious and would like to keep the balance going this way forever, without excesses that need to be punished. so, a lot of repetitive threads and spam-like behaviours are laughed at in the hope to integrate them in the natural - and positive - texture of what is (was?) your basic conversation here. of course if they don't want to be tamed they will just go away, but at least no one is shoving them aside authoritatively. therefore, if you think we're being very strict and stuck up, try to imagine how total freedom of speech would work without any form of cohesion and feeling for self-preservation.

@arch: why joking on your part ought to be taken at face value, while misanthrope's word about the fact he was joking too with that sig has to be doubted and regarded with suspicion? although it wasn't you who wrote he made the joke excuse up, i feel there was no need to kick him when he was down, trying to make it sound as if he was the butt of some prank instead of supporting the "everybody is entitled to joke whenever they want" attitude that would have best fitted your own actions.

@kovenant84: actually i think it was pretty obvious misanthrope's sigs were only for a lark. besides, the twat sig didn't exactly promote something he was a part of or agreed with. ;)

@misanthrope: i honestly think the fact you never ever, under any circumstances, admit to having exceeded does not do good to your credibility as someone talking sense, although i think you do.
ruinandmisery was not spamming, in that first post of him on this thread. he was commenting on point. i understand that what you wanted to say to him extended beyond this simple fact, but still starting out by accusing him of spam was not the clearest sign of what you wanted to convey.
you say ppl reading this thread overlooked your point, but you seem unjust when it looks like you do exactly the same thing. if you wanted to call ruinandmisery out for a double standard attitude you should have done that from the start, and i don't see that in your first two attacks.
besides, stating that everyone on this board might as well fuck off is also oddly childish on your part: since when someone behaving in a way you don't like equals everybody talking/being shit? i'm certainly not very inclined to see where and how you were speaking words of wisdom in your tirade after you implied i should go fuck myself even before i posted a single word about the matter.
here, i just did, so now you're entitled to tell me to fuck off. :grin:

@misanthrope: i honestly think the fact you never ever, under any circumstances, admit to having exceeded does not do good to your credibility as someone talking sense, although i think you do.
ruinandmisery was not spamming, in that first post of him on this thread. he was commenting on point. i understand that what you wanted to say to him extended beyond this simple fact, but still starting out by accusing him of spam was not the clearest sign of what you wanted to convey.
you say ppl reading this thread overlooked your point, but you seem unjust when it looks like you do exactly the same thing. if you wanted to call ruinandmisery out for a double standard attitude you should have done that from the start, and i don't see that in your first two attacks.
besides, stating that everyone on this board might as well fuck off is also oddly childish on your part: since when someone behaving in a way you don't like equals everybody talking/being shit? i'm certainly not very inclined to see where and how you were speaking words of wisdom in your tirade after you implied i should go fuck myself even before i posted a single word about the matter.
here, i just did, so now you're entitled to tell me to fuck off.

Well maybe you'll have an idea of the frustration some people here causes with their endless spam, their neverending political correctness wars and the straight out annoyance if you were around here the last couple of weeks.

Shure im guilty of all of those sins too but at the very least i can say i was partially joking about spam ( hell if someone knows that is you ) and other things. I understand you have a life and whatever but i belive Sundin made you moderator for a reason, and your absense in the forum brings that reason into the light and casts me out of the forum in despair.
*raises hand*

umm, teach? i have a question about this comment:

Originally posted by rahvin
thus showing beyond doubt your will to be involved in conversation instead of mere advertisement.


sometimes i just like to make comments and not necessarily be involved in "conversation". does that mean i might be not be fit for dt forum membership, or possibly a "wannabe forum member"?
@misanthrope: i noticed there has been a rise in the level of conflict in the past two weeks, and i noticed a couple of posts could have been avoided just by stopping and thinking a bit more. still: (a) i'm not sure my being here would have stopped any. i might try to cool down arguments, but i don't resort to threats or intimidations, so i could have been a spectator and not enjoying the show but still nothing would have changed; (b) you are always one for conflicts. this is not a reprimand or a malevolent observations, just something that is hardly deniable. so it seems... weird to hear you felt uneasy because of a sudden arise in flame-like situations.
i don't want to get you wrong or anything, but it seems to me it'd be rather peculiar if this board went down the drain in the last 20 days just because a dwarf moderator who never did much out of authority was enjoying his holidays. ;)
i found no thread to delete, no terrible unforgivable spam, nothing the regulars hadn't handled on their own - as i expected from sensible human beings.
i would ask you to rethink your decision/opinion and see if for once, just this once, it is possible to cease the overheating for a while and try to let some matters and some aggression just flow.

@wildfyr: comments on topic are conversation in my opinion. deciding to ignore replies or just dropping the occasional one-liner seems also ok by me. the difference i was trying to make was between that one-liner concerning something you want to share or just something you want to sell/advertise.

Ahhh... .good ol' group therapy.
Originally posted by rahvin
@misanthrope: i noticed there has been a rise in the level of conflict in the past two weeks, and i noticed a couple of posts could have been avoided just by stopping and thinking a bit more. still: (a) i'm not sure my being here would have stopped any. i might try to cool down arguments, but i don't resort to threats or intimidations, so i could have been a spectator and not enjoying the show but still nothing would have changed; (b) you are always one for conflicts. this is not a reprimand or a malevolent observations, just something that is hardly deniable. so it seems... weird to hear you felt uneasy because of a sudden arise in flame-like situations.
i don't want to get you wrong or anything, but it seems to me it'd be rather peculiar if this board went down the drain in the last 20 days just because a dwarf moderator who never did much out of authority was enjoying his holidays. ;)
i found no thread to delete, no terrible unforgivable spam, nothing the regulars hadn't handled on their own - as i expected from sensible human beings.
i would ask you to rethink your decision/opinion and see if for once, just this once, it is possible to cease the overheating for a while and try to let some matters and some aggression just flow.

@wildfyr: comments on topic are conversation in my opinion. deciding to ignore replies or just dropping the occasional one-liner seems also ok by me. the difference i was trying to make was between that one-liner concerning something you want to share or just something you want to sell/advertise.


Is not a new thing i have been getting tired of this forum for a long time now, i just thought you being here would control situations and give things a little more shape because no matter how much you say you are an observation, your opinion usually has a lot of weight and helps controlling arguments that otherwise get out of control. So im the center of such debates? That is fine with me because im just tired of fucking shutting up about it like i always do, what do this fucking newbies know about the forum? have they been around since the ezboard days? have they experienced the changes and frustration that systematical spam does at a comunity? of course not, do they know when to stop to think they do not really belong in an argument cause they do not know all facts? no they dont.

To you it is sad that i am the center of all flames because of my personality, to me it is sad that i become the voice of all those people who wait annoyed in the background watching the forum drown on spam and stupidity and watching people who only take advantage of the forum come and do as they please.

On one thing i do agree however: than your lip service as a moderator only offers marginal results. Shure a lot of people out of respect for you ( whenver it is because of your status or your opinions or your time around ) censor themselves a bit but you do point out that this is not always the case, on top of you not being a robot who can watch over the forum 24/7 makes managing things too uncontrolable.

I say that im giving up on this forum because the same patterns ive seen thousands of times on other forums, even some forums who are close in proximity like the opeth forum, i just think that most people let too many things go out of political correctness, and suddenly your recently posted thread is on page 4.

Shure call me mad and over reacting twat but this will happen soon enough, i shall not be here to watch.
Originally posted by Misanthrope

Is not a new thing i have been getting tired of this forum for a long time now, i just thought you being here would control situations and give things a little more shape because no matter how much you say you are an observation, your opinion usually has a lot of weight and helps controlling arguments that otherwise get out of control. So im the center of such debates? That is fine with me because im just tired of fucking shutting up about it like i always do, what do this fucking newbies know about the forum? have they been around since the ezboard days? have they experienced the changes and frustration that systematical spam does at a comunity? of course not, do they know when to stop to think they do not really belong in an argument cause they do not know all facts? no they dont.

To you it is sad that i am the center of all flames because of my personality, to me it is sad that i become the voice of all those people who wait annoyed in the background watching the forum drown on spam and stupidity and watching people who only take advantage of the forum come and do as they please.

On one thing i do agree however: than your lip service as a moderator only offers marginal results. Shure a lot of people out of respect for you ( whenver it is because of your status or your opinions or your time around ) censor themselves a bit but you do point out that this is not always the case, on top of you not being a robot who can watch over the forum 24/7 makes managing things too uncontrolable.

I say that im giving up on this forum because the same patterns ive seen thousands of times on other forums, even some forums who are close in proximity like the opeth forum, i just think that most people let too many things go out of political correctness, and suddenly your recently posted thread is on page 4.

Shure call me mad and over reacting twat but this will happen soon enough, i shall not be here to watch.

Yes, there are modicum amount of spamming on this forum, but it is not too bad, you are making a big issue out of a small thing. You, I, Rahvin, and a few others were on ezboard "back in the days", and making a few comparison, I like it here. There's absolutely no pop-up ads here (don't get any ideas Mark), and in here, it feels like a metal community. The forum here on UM is certainly not perfect, nonetheless, it isn't especially built just for Mr. Holier-than-thou (Misanthrope)'s liking.
@misanthrope: call me an optimist, but i think you're being a bit of a prophet of disaster here. i missed three pages of threads while i was away, and that was for exactly 19 days. of all those threads, a lot were about how damage done was the best thing on earth. sure, if i were here i'd have merged all of them into the old ones, but that's about the end of it as far as i see.
i agree that spam ruins communities online. i also agree that an invasion of newbies would probably leave me with nightmares for months, but i think sending ppl away just because they made a mistake, or dreading the moment this board will be flooded is a defensive stance that won't pay off in the long run.

instead of going away in a fit of rage and disappointment, you could contribute to prevent this from happening. i never said you were the be-all-end-all of flames or arguments, and i reckon you did a lot to help this particular forum stay - i daresay - ahead of the pack with your "not shutting up" attitude. now i simply don't think it's fair that after a long time of all out war on your part you complain that you're the only one doing so... it was clear from day one that other ppl (me included) on this board had other ways to react to the same issues.

yesterday i deleted two threads and merged another. the latter was a "check my band" thread, while the former two were about trade and a webzine. the posters had spammed all the boards on um with that crap.
this is the sort of thing i think it is my duty to do. it's a long way away from intervening because someone's intentions - like ruinandmisery's - might not be very ethical or intelligent, or because of some ignorant newbie (and not all of them are) ranting on defending a silly idea. forbidding ppl to do so would also spell the end of this community, scaring unsure or non-motivated ppl away and promoting my own ideas about what's intelligent, ethical, or a silly idea.

I am pessimistic, someone has to be.

However i just find it harder to read here for whatever reason that might be, perhaps is not the flood but it is the content ( i doubt that ) but i just feel annoyed.

Perhaps i should think this over for a few days or weeks.
I am sorry we are elitist and since you are a fucking asshole and dont care about the forum you dont get to say a damn thing, you will be threated as a newbie, ill make shure of that.

And since you are a stupid newbie now ask around for "misanthrope's love for goddamn newbies"
now this post was a lot more insults than concepts. however, there was no need to point out you think he doesn't have a say, since apparently ruinandmisery doesn't feel like commenting at all, on the "good points" someone made. ;)

i'm sick with a terrible flu, i've got a sore tooth and i'm in a very aggressive mood. i'd like to know what it is exactly we're debating, because if it's ppl being or not being fucking assholes, i'd be inclined to move this thread on, say, the sonata arctica forum. :rolleyes:

i suggest both "fuck you" posts and "it's all very well but i don't care" posts should cease. as i said countless times, all content is fine for me and i don't really like political correctness. but there's really nothing to add to the last two messages except "ok" to one and "suck my dick" to the other (you choose which belongs to either).
so, ok, suck my dick.
