Dark Tranquillity tour T-SHIRT


Friday the 13th addict
Jul 6, 2004
I'm looking for a long-sleeve T-shirt that was on sale on this last european tour, with tour-dates on the back and the angel design on the front (the one which was on the opening page of their website)

Please contact me if you have one to sell!
it's the one on the top-right of the picture above, and it's a long-sleeve (22euros)

if you want to sell it, I am here!
*Splutters with rage* 22 Euros?? I gave out 20 sQuid for that beauty, damn exchange rate... *mutter, mumble*

Hmmm I guess eBay's the obvious option, but I reckon that that design just hasn't got to the various online merch sites yet: it'll pribably be available in a few months
Oh... Shit... I can't sell it... I forgot the "T" at the end... sorry my english sucks... but hey... I saw it on the internet!... but by internet is a little bit expensive...

Is this one????... this is my t-shirt... looks a little blue but is black, I have a bad camera sorry :)
I "can't" sell it anyway... I love it!!!!