Dark Tranquillity tour

So, anyone else from here checking Dark Tranquillity out on tour?

Melb show is on Tuesday, can't wait. Looks like the friend I am going with will be flying out from the Melb on Wednesday for work, so we are just gonna crash the night rather than him going back to Melb the next day. Might be a fun night of drinking in the city.
I'm goin to the Sydney show, looking forward to it, supports are killer as well. A mate had a spare FF/DD ticket as well, so I'm going to that the night before as well. If Manly beat the Fagons on Friday night, my weekend will be complete!
Holy Fuck what a night haha! :kickass:

Hey stevo too bad you didnt kick on at the enigma mate, good times indeed :rock:
Thats cool man, yeh nice meeting you too!, another young metal head, more from our elk and the world would surely be a better place haha :kickass: