Dark Tranquillity tour

saw them in Syd last night - awesome band, I didn't know what to expect, but they were fantastic. Can't wait to see them again!
Goreripper said:
Danallica said:
Thats cool man, yeh nice meeting you too!, another young metal head, more from our elk and the world would surely be a better place haha

An elk is a moose. :)

It's also "of" an ilk.

Hey, if you're gonna correct someone, youmight as well correct them all the way, huh?

You also need a full stop on the end.
Goreripper said:

An elk is a moose. :)

fair enough

well, Brian, perhaps I was referring to a moose, then what, huh? :goggly:

I think I was still fairly tanked at the time I posted that anyhow :Smokin: