
They were a pioneering Norwegian black metal band. They basically invented the genre, along with Mayhem. Not many bands can match the evil, cold atmosphere in their music. Their music is quite simple and minimalistic, but what makes it good is the overall atmosphere it produces.
if you look at them from a pioneering standpoint well than they'd suck because the 1st wave of black metal had already accomplished their sound... also its not a good idea to look at them based on technicality because you won't find any...
basically Darkthrone are one of the better known bands from the 2nd wave of black metal... they accomplished a lot with the atmosphere of the music and uhh well unlike most of their contemporaries at the time their reputation isn't blown out of proportion based on crimes or beliefs
Phrozenspite said:
if you look at them from a pioneering standpoint well than they'd suck because the 1st wave of black metal had already accomplished their sound... also its not a good idea to look at them based on technicality because you won't find any...
basically Darkthrone are one of the better known bands from the 2nd wave of black metal... they accomplished a lot with the atmosphere of the music and uhh well unlike most of their contemporaries at the time their reputation isn't blown out of proportion based on crimes or beliefs
Who sounded like them from the so called first wave of black metal?
No one's saying you have to like Darkthrone. If you don't like them, don't listen to them. They have some of the best Raw Black Metal riffs of all time, one of the best Raw Black Metal drummers of all time, and one of the best Raw Black Metal vocalists of all time. And by Raw I mean "True Norwegian blah blah blah." Anyway, those are widely held opinions as to why people like Darkthrone. You don't have to agree.
Flaming Death said:
I like Bathory. they were busting out the black metal back in 84 i believe. that is when their first album was released i think.

Yeah, Bathory (from Sweden, no less) were producing Black Metal before Darkthrone. And of much higher quality too.

I know Darkthrone are incredibly influential and well respected in their genre but (using their newest album title) I "hate them."
I only have Transylvanian Hunger, but from that album alone I can say that i really like the atmosphere they achieve with such minimalistic musicianship. That entire album was recorded on 4 tracks: 1 microphone for drums, 1 for guitar, etc.

If you're looking for technicality in a band then obviously Darkthrone aren't going to impress you that much, but personally I listen to this album for the overall sound, not the individual instruments.

After several listens, a new beauty is realised in their music - one of great melodies and atmopsphere betrayed by the minimalistic style.

On the whole, a great sound which I really like.
If you don't love Darkthrone, you don't get black metal. Or you have the wrong albums. Transylvanian Hunger and Under A Funeral Moon are classics.
I have A Blaze In The Northern Sky, Soulside Journey, Under A Funeral Moon, Transylvanian Hunger and Hate Them. My favourites are probably blaze, soulside and hunger. The atmosphere on them is brilliant, gives a very cold, harsh and emotionless feeling. Im not too keen on their latest effort Hate Them, i think in a way its a bit too...punk-esque. It doesnt create the atmopshere and grimness of the earlier efforts. Although soulside journey isnt black metal, its death metal, and bloody good death metal imo.
None_So_Vile said:
The atmosphere on them is brilliant, gives a very cold, harsh and emotionless feeling

hhmmm...I agree with you in that the atmosphere and cold harshness is brilliant, but I would disagree that it is emotionless.

I think I know what you mean by that, but perhaps that wasn't the right word - I definitely think there's emotion to their music, although it is subtle.
i've got a question regarding them or their releases, anyway; i've got the peaceville 2003 re-release of transylvanian hunger and on it there are large gaps between the songs which i find pretty annoying, are they supposed to be there? e.g. are the gaps present on the previous releases?
I only have that copy of the album, and I have noticed the same thing. I presume it's a result of the poor production - they didn't cut off the recording straight away or something.

You'd think they could alter that on the re-release, but it doesn't really bother me that much! I'm not that impatient!
spaffe said:
i've got a question regarding them or their releases, anyway; i've got the peaceville 2003 re-release of transylvanian hunger and on it there are large gaps between the songs which i find pretty annoying, are they supposed to be there? e.g. are the gaps present on the previous releases?
That's on all versions. It's great because it makes you think "OH WILL THE NEXT TRACK START ALREADY!?!?" and then BAM right when you least expect it...