Daughters Canada Songs
Robotic Empire robo029 2004
By Jason Jordan
Heres some numeric information about Canada Songs, just so you know what to expect:
9 number of U.S. dollars I paid for this
10 number of tracks on this disc
11 number of minutes this occupies
Not quite a long player eh? Never mind that, however. Rhode Islands Daughters are about as close to a tornado as a band can get: they appear in an instant, devastate all in their path, and disperse as suddenly as they arrive. This math/tech quintet are skilled wielders of their respective instruments, playing a style that summons those such as Ion Dissonance, Glass Casket, and Hewhocorrupts (grind-wise), though the instrumentation here revolves around the higher end of the sonic spectrum. In other words, since the material is mostly high-pitch, the guitars are always squealing, whining, and screaming. It also helps that Canada Songs has magnificent packaging. Besides their spastic music, Daughters have a sense of humor, too, which is most conspicuous in song titles like Jones from Indiana, I Slept with the Daughters and All I Got Was This Lousy Song Written About Me, and my personal favorite, Pants, Meet Shit.
The flaws should be kind of obvious. This is EP perhaps even demo length, but usually I listened to Canada Songs about three times in a row to compensate for the briefness. In addition, overly intricate songs dont make a lasting impression, so its imperative to absorb this incrementally and consistently if you want to actually remember what the hell you just heard. Even so, I admire what theyve done, and Im not the only apparently as Daughters will be releasing their next opus on Hydra Head. Remember the phrase quality over quantity? I concur because that certainly applies in this case.
UMs Review Rating Scale
Official Daughters Website
Official Robotic Empire Website
Robotic Empire robo029 2004
By Jason Jordan

Heres some numeric information about Canada Songs, just so you know what to expect:
9 number of U.S. dollars I paid for this
10 number of tracks on this disc
11 number of minutes this occupies
Not quite a long player eh? Never mind that, however. Rhode Islands Daughters are about as close to a tornado as a band can get: they appear in an instant, devastate all in their path, and disperse as suddenly as they arrive. This math/tech quintet are skilled wielders of their respective instruments, playing a style that summons those such as Ion Dissonance, Glass Casket, and Hewhocorrupts (grind-wise), though the instrumentation here revolves around the higher end of the sonic spectrum. In other words, since the material is mostly high-pitch, the guitars are always squealing, whining, and screaming. It also helps that Canada Songs has magnificent packaging. Besides their spastic music, Daughters have a sense of humor, too, which is most conspicuous in song titles like Jones from Indiana, I Slept with the Daughters and All I Got Was This Lousy Song Written About Me, and my personal favorite, Pants, Meet Shit.
The flaws should be kind of obvious. This is EP perhaps even demo length, but usually I listened to Canada Songs about three times in a row to compensate for the briefness. In addition, overly intricate songs dont make a lasting impression, so its imperative to absorb this incrementally and consistently if you want to actually remember what the hell you just heard. Even so, I admire what theyve done, and Im not the only apparently as Daughters will be releasing their next opus on Hydra Head. Remember the phrase quality over quantity? I concur because that certainly applies in this case.
UMs Review Rating Scale
Official Daughters Website
Official Robotic Empire Website