Right I want nail this one on the head
I am a massive fan of fillatio, gay sex, huge banana packages, jizz in my pants, polo's
The above things are clearly not awesome and yet there is fluency to each of their personalities
With sperm....e, I feel they live in, say my balls, all of my life, I can't get into it, the minute i get a boner going it stops and starts somewhere else different, I loved megadeth when they 1st came out and 20 years later aftr hearing one of my pals talking excitedly about them and stuff I thought I will go back and listen again I still FACKING LUV EM
So I say again Megadeath are better than anything ive ever heard in my life it makes my ears orgasm, if you guys like them, then your awesome too.
I am not entilted to my opinion because it is wrong.
However if anyone wants to discuss why "my cawk" isn't as highly thought of as "yours"
I am open to debate