Dave Eleffson Talks about Artist's Income


But who cares about Megashite

I have never liked them

I felt that they were to technical

I couldn't headbang like a nutter to their stuff

As much as I tried

There was no fluency to it

If you know what I mean

Right I want nail this one on the head

I am a massive fan of Opeth, Anathema, Paradise Lost, Katatonia, Pink Floyd

The above bands are clearly not headbanging material and yet there is fluency to each of their songs

With Mega....e, I feel they play in say for talking sake 15 sections, all stop start within one song, I can't get into it, the minute they get a fluency going it stops and starts somewhere else different, I hated them when they 1st came out and 20 years later aftr hearing one of my pals talking excitedly about them and stuff I thought I will go back and listen again I still don't like them

So I say again Megadeath are shite, if you guys like them, good for you

I am entilted to my opinion just you are entitled to yours

However if anyone wants to discuss why "meddles" isn't as highly thought of as "the wall"

I am open to debate

He did say it was his opinion diddy, he never said it was a fact. You're taking his words out of context.
I am of the opinion that opinions can be wrong. so is my opinion wrong? sorry that doesn't fly. it's just illogical. either one is wrong or one is right. a statement cannot have a truth value of true and false simultaniously. (there is a good counter arguement to this, I'd like to see if anyone can spot it)
You can have an argueent where both people are wrong, or where both people are almost right. But saying that no opinion is right or wrong is stupid, because opinion is steeped in fact from the get go anyway. Personal preference is where the opinion bit comes in - just because someone likes an album doesn't mean the album isn't shit.
All this 'no opinion is wrong' stuff is bullsht. Its not my opinion that St. Anger fucking fails - its a fact.


Well even if a lot of people think that its an abortion like you and I. Theres probably some dude somewhere that busts a nut everytime he listens to Frantic so it cant be a fact.
Well even if a lot of people think that its an abortion like you and I. Theres probably some dude somewhere that busts a nut everytime he listens to Frantic so it cant be a fact.

And there are people who like St. Anger, just go onto youtube and look at stuff relating to st. anger, a lot of it is well rated.

Pertains to my earlier comment about cigars being badly rolled but still tasting good to some people. I still maintain that calling another person's opinion wrong is elitist.
i was saying that he was stating it as a fact not an opinion if hed have said i think they dont sound good ok but yeah ive gone thru this.

have some related content


So this is the shitstorm and I missed most off it due to working

Just a quick word of thanks to Ocelot for standing in my corner and talking sense
