dave lombardo joins metallica!

Roy said:
I was there & it was great. The came on with Dave & played Battery & The four horsemen. Dave was excellent, he add some new drum fills & really beefed the songs up.

Then the Slipknot drummer came on & they played For whom the bell Tolls & Seek & Destroy. Then the drum tech came on & they played Fade to Black. Then the Slipknot drummer came out again & they played Where ever I may Roam, Creeping Death, Enter the Sandman, Nothing else matters & Sad but true.

They played no songs post Black album.

Does anyone know if there was a recording done of that? i'd love to hear that setlist without lars.
haha and slipknots joey jordison got all the credit for his "legendary appearance" behind the metallica kit while no-one gave a shit about lombardo

I find that hard to believe. Even when speaking of the ignorant mainstream audience (the audience, not the media), Dave Lombardo/Slayer in general is typically given far more credit than Slipknot.