David Bendeth vs Jens Bogren..


Jun 29, 2007
So my friends band did just get signed,
Jens mixed the album and David mixed the singel..
They just released the singel;

Jens version (album version):

Davids version (singel version):

The last link is in swedish, if it doesn't play, press the button that says "Nu vill vi se framåt och skriva nytt", and fast forward to 7:45

who do you think did the best job with the mix? :p
Can't listen to the Jens version but that Bendeth mix is sexy. Not his usual snare too which is interesting. The way he makes it all so smooth is unbeatable.
I can't listen to David's version but only the one in Spotify.

I'm a HUGE fan of Bendeth's so would love to hear that.. he makes the best drum sounds out there but IMO he has to be involved with the mic'ing also.
I got it working now!

Feels like both engineers had a different vision for the band. David's emphasis on the electronic side and Jens's is more from a metal point of view. It's not actually fair to compare these since the Spotify version is way higher quality and the stream isn't that good quality.

Based on this I prefer the Swedish guy's work but could simply be the higher quality.