David Gold in Finland: June 3rd - July 4th

David Gold

Son of the Darkest Blues
Feb 20, 2004
No hometown, Ontario.
A French guy was telling me how "all Finnish people are barbarians who get drunk and then puke and piss all over in the streets" and I was like "Yes, that's awesome!"

In Paris, France, flying to Finland in a few hours...

DG - \w/
Same French dude asks me in an annoyed tone "Whhhhhyyyyyyy are you going to Finland?" I tell him that I'm into the metal scene and that I'm attending the metal festivals. He replies with "I never would have guessed that YOU were a metalhead...you look like you'd be into harp music or something." I guess that means I'm dressed well today.

Here I go, finally...


Have a good one. Once your get past how misanthropic some bloody Finns can be they're a great bunch. Some first rate metal bars in Helsinki, of you're going there. The guys from Norther and Finntroll are often seen out and about.
Same French dude asks me in an annoyed tone "Whhhhhyyyyyyy are you going to Finland?" I tell him that I'm into the metal scene and that I'm attending the metal festivals. He replies with "I never would have guessed that YOU were a metalhead...you look like you'd be into harp music or something." I guess that means I'm dressed well today.

Here I go, finally...



You need to travel with a few promos of each album to dispel such folks.:headbang::kickass:
Guess you will be exchanging Soju puke for Sahti puke :puke: :lol:

A French guy was telling me how "all Finnish people are barbarians who get drunk and then puke and piss all over in the streets" and I was like "Yes, that's awesome!"

In Paris, France, flying to Finland in a few hours...

DG - w/
I have finally arrived, safe and sound. :) The country is beautiful and my friends and relatives have been so very, very friendly, welcoming and hospitable. For me, this truly is a dream come true! :kickass: I am thankful beyond words to finally be here.

Time for some sauna and beers therapy (still coughing the Seoul from my dirty lungs). What a better way to heal. More as it, and I, unwind.

Thanks for all your great comments. Greets from the motherland,

DG - \w/
I will be attending:

Sauna Open Air Festival (starts tomorrow!)
(possibly) Nummirock
Tuska Festival

Some shows in the weekdays + Nightwish w/ Amorphis late in June, before Tuska. How bout that, eh? :):kickass:

Gtg, sauna and beer...

At the Sauna Open Air, day one, drinking beer is like your job, and like any other job, you just have to do it even when you don't feel like it. We saw Testament with Paul Bostaph (Slayer) on drums, Children of Bodom, and many other Finnish bands. Today is Sonata Artica, Scorpions... Tomorrow is Stam1na, KYPCK (featuring Sentenced guitarist), Whitesnake and AMORPHIS!!! Saving my $ for a t-shirt on day 3.

Another observations: In Korea, I was pretty tall. In Finland, not so much anymore.

Gtg, it's breakfast here, and the sun has been shining all night! :kickass:

Yesterday was festival from 2:00-10:00, and 'after party' with live bands from 10:00 - 3:00 am...body nearly fell apart at the end, but I took a handful of pills and slept it back together. Great success!!!

Day two was great! Many beers, food, and lots of laughs! + Though the sun has been shining for days, it was especially present yesterday, nice and bright! I saw Finn dude walking into the festival grounds wearing a blue 'Borat' style bathing suit, haha, laughed my ass off...and ended up slow dancing with a Finnish cougar during a SCORPIONS ballad, haha! Being at the festival is an awesome sight! Countless band t-shirts and metal fashion! Being able to pre-drink in the public park before the show is also a treat.

Today is Stam1na, KYPCK, AMORPHIS !!! (already bought a t-shirt) and Whitesnake! Just waking up, hanging with my two Finnish friends Teemu and Teemu (which makes it easy for me to remember their names), having some coffee and breakfast, getting ready to do it all over again. Will post pics when time permits...

Greets from the motherland!!!

DG :kickass:
We did it! Saw AMORPHIS live, in Finland. Their set was great, good song choices from almost every album, allowing for much singing along from the crowd. It began to rain during the intro to 'My Kantele', which was awesome! It was a powerful moment! :)

Other favourites from the day were Finnish band STAM1NA (if you haven't checked these guys out yet...) and KYPCK ('fast Russian doom metal from Finland). And that's that! I've finally seen a European metal festival, and it did NOT dispoint.

+ Last night at about 3am, there was a huge hail storm here! It woke all of us up and we just stood and watched it at the window for a few miniutes. Epic!!! I could have used some Immortal or Moonsorrow in those moments, though the hail itself was huge and percussive enough already, like icy blastbeats on the bodies of cars in the parking lot.


Coffee and relaxing now. More as it develops! Thanks for reading!

dave these are like accents on the day! a good morning read before the long day ahead
what is next on the choppin block bro?