David Lee Roth wants to reunite VAN HALEN


Supreme Ruler
Sep 29, 2005
this is not a joke i saw it in the chigago tribune

Daviv talked to Alex Van Halen and dave said that "Eventually the inevitable will happen." he was refering to the VH reuinon. :headbang:
Of course that would kick ass, but I see NO way in hell that he could reconcile with Edward. He's too much of a cheeseball nowadays, anyway, and Ed's a drunk burnout, so I see no future in VH. Sad.
Like DROKK pointed out it isn't going to happen. Eddie is a drunk loser and his temper was real bad on the last tour...Eddie and his drinking coupled with DLR's crazy behavior is a recipe for a disaster.

Although, Eddie is now going through a divorce and he is probably going to be taken to the cleaners by his now ex-wife. I'm not sure if he had a pre-nup or not but he just might need the money.
That would be cool, I would go to a show. I pesonally dont care for DLR, or his band, but classic van halen would be cool. I officialy renounced me even liking anything by VH when they hired that Gary dude from Extreme, and tapping is extremely (sic) overrated now. Steve Via took tapping to a whole new level, and now hearing Ed's tapping solo seems so, 3rd grader. Its still a good solo, on any front, but it is just out dated. With that said, I would go to see a reunion.
They should reunite with everybody but Eddie. I mean there will still be one Van Halen. They can get like Skolnick to replace him or if worse comes to worse they can get Jimmy Page:tickled:
I think it would be pretty damn cool.. I have no interest what so ever in VH without Roth.... They are all getting old and thi sreally needs to happen.. I do agree that Eddie is such an A-hole and really needs to get his own head out of his ass...
Whiplash402 said:
this is not a joke i saw it in the chigago tribune

Daviv talked to Alex Van Halen and dave said that "Eventually the inevitable will happen." he was refering to the VH reuinon. :headbang:

Is this supposed to be shocking that Dave wants to get back in VH? It's not exactly like he has better things to do.
I dont know why anyone(including Dave) would want to sing for VH--Eddie and crew have fucked over all 3 vocalists. Besides Eddie has his head up his ass with his being a drunk and coke head
and tapping is extremely (sic) overrated now. Steve Via took tapping to a whole new level, and now hearing Ed's tapping solo seems so, 3rd grader.
sorry, steve via is a great guitarist but, if tapping is so overrated then who gives a fuck who took it to another level. eddie stepped into the limelight in the mid 70's playing a style that no one was even thinking about in popular music. it's not his fault every guitar player jumped on the band wagon and ran that techniuqe into the ground.
True that, I cannot argue there. He was an innovator, and I will give props and credit where due. But all in all, it would be cool to see the original line up.