David Lee Roth wants to reunite VAN HALEN

i've seen the original line up 6 times and maybe i'm biased because i was in highschool and they were some of my first concerts but i remember having the best time at some of those shows. the energy and party atmosphere was just so much fun. the only complaint is they always had a shitty opening band. i had to sit through the guys who did "der kamisar" twice on one tour. i think night ranger might have been on one of the tours but, don't quote me on that. would be cool to see one more time if they could pull it off.
Steve VAI is the one who you guys mean? Yeah I want this line-up to reunite: DLR, Vai, Billy Sheehan, Gregg Bisonnette.
I don't see why anyone is surprised DLR wants a reunion, it's been over a decade since he had anything resembling a respectable career. I wish the Van Halen boys would just say "fuck singers" and start putting out instumental albums.
I thought Dave had said before that a Van Halen reunion WITH HIM would never happen?

If I were Dave I'd want to get back with Van Halen too - his radio show is gonna go down the crapper once the ratings come in. It's terrible!!
MetalThrasher442 said:
They should reunite with everybody but Eddie. I mean there will still be one Van Halen. They can get like Skolnick to replace him or if worse comes to worse they can get Jimmy Page:tickled:
johnnieCzech said:
Steve VAI is the one who you guys mean? Yeah I want this line-up to reunite: DLR, Vai, Billy Sheehan, Gregg Bisonnette.
Eat em and smile was so awesome!
Drokk said:
Of course that would kick ass, but I see NO way in hell that he could reconcile with Edward. He's too much of a cheeseball nowadays, anyway, and Ed's a drunk burnout, so I see no future in VH. Sad.

Your gonna call Eddie a burn out and let DLR get away with "cheeseball?"
Thrillho said:
Your gonna call Eddie a burn out and let DLR get away with "cheeseball?"
Geez, OK, how about "cheeseball Las Vegas lounge singer wanna-be, megalomaniacal fuckball who spray paints his receding hair etc etc etc..."? The guy is an embarrassment and Van Halen is better without him, as much as I love their first 6 records. Ed himself once said that Roth was turning VH into a Vegas act, which would explain covering Linda Ronstandt (yes, I like that song) and Diver Down (a good album nonetheless, but the cheese factor was too high).
mrthrax said:
drokk hates all reunions lol,i will stay outta this one because basically i dont listen to van halen.
Come on, I don't hate all reunions; Iron Maiden's was great. I would love to see Roth and VH play again, but seeing what Roth has turned into, I think it would be a trainwreck.
If DLR and VH ever did reunite, I doubt they would make new music together. They would probably just play the old shit on tour. Which would be fine by me. DLR is so out of his mind it's not even funny, but so is everyone else in that band, they belong together. Cheese or no cheese, I vote 'yes!'

Still gotta try and catch DLR's morning show. I heard VERY mixed things.
MyHatred said:
Another good one is "I tried running once...but I kept spilling the ice cubes in my drink"

Classic quotes from the man. Dontcha just love 'em.

I wonder how many times he has said 'Look at all the people here tonight!!!', even if he is just playing to a couple of thousand.

And also I don't care if he is looking old, we are all gonna get old
Drokk said:
Geez, OK, how about "cheeseball Las Vegas lounge singer wanna-be, megalomaniacal fuckball who spray paints his receding hair etc etc etc..."? The guy is an embarrassment and Van Halen is better without him, as much as I love their first 6 records. Ed himself once said that Roth was turning VH into a Vegas act, which would explain covering Linda Ronstandt (yes, I like that song) and Diver Down (a good album nonetheless, but the cheese factor was too high).

"Old Van Halen, when I was in it-classic Van Halen-makes you wanna drink, dance and screw, right? And the new Van Halen encourages you to drink milk, drive a Nissan and have a relationship." - DLR, Book Two, chapter 5, verse 10
jdelpi said:
Is this supposed to be shocking that Dave wants to get back in VH? It's not exactly like he has better things to do.
He's got more money than VH does, however. Spent the twilight of his career going all over the world, climbing mountains and visiting third world countries. The radio deal is worth several million on top of that + royalties. He might also be talking shit because he's still sore about the failed reunion the VH brothers suckered the fans with and they wonder why the press doesn't give a shit about them now. It's because they used everyone to deceive the fans while they had Gary hired in the background.

In any event, Roth doesn't need to reunite, while the VH brothers do. They don't have any money left from all the jerking around they did. They are completely outdated and not much more than an adult contemporary pop band at this point.