Dawn Of The Dead remake

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001
Saw it tonight. Went in not expecting much coz I hate remakes and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake was so bad.

This was actually great! Not as good as the original of course, but still a killer horror flick - probably the best horror film to come out in YEARS. It was a true classic style zombie flick and while completely different to the original, had the same spirit about it. It was a 90 minute splatterfest basically, with excellent humour and no trendy teeny bopper shit and trying hard to be "cool" and current like even The Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake did at times. This was 100% pure classic style zombie horror flick - hilarious splatterfest! It even had grainy film stock, washed out colours and bad colour matching between shots at times which totally added to the classic horror style feel of it!

Definitely recommended for horror fans!
It does.

I liked Undead but it got ruined by the whole Alien plot. It started well but went downhill. Fuck the aliens off and it'd be much better...
28 Days Later was shit. It started off really well, then they left London and went to Manchester and it turned into a mess. It was like Day of the Triffids, but crap. I wanted to see the black chick go nuts and the girl schitz out with a hatchet or something, but the whiny guy turned into a hero. Bleh.

Cabin Fever, however, was awesome.
Dawn of the dead was awesome.

Saw it yesterday and I really couldn't get over how good it was and much I enjoyed it.

I tell ya what though... as we were walking out we noticed that there was a little girl sitting there who would have been maybe 8 or 9 at the oldest. She looked like she might have been in shock or something. That was pretty weird, taking a kid that age to see such a splatterfest.

great moofie tho.
To me the remake was pretty damn good, Even if it has some Computer affects...Not like old school shit that made you wounder how they did that. But i do agree the movie is Damn good.
It's certainly not without flaws but I liked it. It has one of the best openings, and a killer final scene. So having a strong start & finish leaves a good impression, and the special makeup effects are awesome. It's main problem is just the awful dubbing. If the dubbing wasn't so shit and the performances were better it would be a KILLER.