Day of the Equinox II


Apr 24, 2003
Toronto, Canada
So they decided to do another one, Sept. 23rd 06 in Toronto, and the lineup is way different i.e. HEAVY FUCKING METAL:

Sacrifice (ORIGINAL LINEUP REUNITING FOR THIS SHOW!) :kickass::kickass:
Usurper :kickass:
Rammer :kickass:

probably more to be added... hopefully Goat Horn and maybe The Deceased will come back
MisterMayhem said:
More than 90% chance of the HC Fest 2!


By the way, do you know of any criminal record associated with D666? I mean, if they have a clean sheet, they'd be a good addition (to fill the "The Chasm" slot). :cool:
JayKeeley said:

By the way, do you know of any criminal record associated with D666? I mean, if they have a clean sheet, they'd be a good addition (to fill the "The Chasm" slot). :cool:

D666 RULE SUPREME!!!!!!!!
JayKeeley said:
By the way, do you know of any criminal record associated with D666? I mean, if they have a clean sheet, they'd be a good addition (to fill the "The Chasm" slot). :cool:

Probably public drunkeness at worst :lol: