Thoughts On The DOTE II Fest Announcment?

Arcane Son

Seeker Of Wisdom
Jan 25, 2006
Whats everyones thoughts on the line up announcement for this years Day Of The Equinox Fest?

If your an old school thrash fan you will probably pop a boner. If you're like me and prefer a nice diverse line-up you will probably be non-plussed.

Can a show with only 4 bands really be called a festival? That's stretching a bit no?

DOTE II Line Up:

Here was last years DOTE Line-Up for comparison:

Green Carnation
Novembers Doom
Woods Of Ypres
I dig the lineup-- I'm a huge thrash fan-- and I also like that it's different from last year's 'style'-- nice and surprising, though Deceased surely would have fit in this year....:kickass:

This is not to say last year's lineup was bad-- on the contrary-- it was one of the best shows I've seen-- I'm just happy to see a totally different style...
If I lived close, I'd go just to see Melechesh. Last year, I would have gone to see all bands.

Crast said:
If I lived close, I'd go just to see Melechesh. Last year, I would have gone to see all bands.


Yeah that's about where I stand Crast. Really the only band this year that I would be interested in seeing is Melechesh as well.
Not interested in it at all, sadly. I LOVED the experience in going to Toronto last year and hanging out with bands and just chilling up there with metalheads and such... but I also loved every band there before I even went to the show..... if they get My Dying Bride, I will go. Other than that... I have no interest.
No DOTE for me this year I'm afraid! As Will said, it was a great experience going last year and meeting heaps of cool people (and seeing some fucking fine music to boot) but this new lineup isn't doing much to float my boat at the moment. :erk: (I mean, I like thrash, but not THAT much, heh...)
How about a "pre-DOTE" the night before.....
We'd be down for that, but only if it wouldn't upset 'Mr. Noel Inertia / DOTE promoter' too much. I don't know if (based on his experience) weather in his opinion, the idea of a 'pre-DOTE' would hurt or help his DOTE attendance.

Pro / Help!
Maybe more folks would come up to Toronto from the USA (etc...) for the whole weekend and two nights of varied metal shows (BM night + Thrash night for example) versus coming to see one show, 4 bands.

Con / Hurt!

Local folks may go to one, but not the other...and if they are anything like myself, they'd go to the Friday show and maybe not the Saturday one, because it would be Friday after work and they would be jonsing to drink some pints and see some metal.

We'll see! ...:kickass: