Daylight Savings


King Of Fools
Aug 4, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Well it seems we've saved our daylight ours for long enough and now we get to use them.

Every afternoon I guarentee you an extra hour of daylight.

You can thank me later.

Remember Aussies to set your forum clocks forward an hour.
Yay! Half the stuff on Foxtel is now on an hour earlier! I no longer have to wait until 8:30 for Raw to start on Tuesday nights! Huzzah!!
[color=#AOEOOA]Queensland doesn't do daylight savings since they're so close to the equator, they have sunlight at leater hours normally.

Mark, In England the clocks move an hour back as of last night.

In Australia (bar QLD) the clocks move an hour forward.[/color]
Yeah, there was a referendum a few years back asking if we wanted daylight savings and the majority said no.

Personally, I think it makes more sense to have it in winter.
Originally posted by Spiff

Personally, I think it makes more sense to have it in winter.

Yeah! Because all us Victorians love nothing more than to spend a freezing evening out in the rain. :D
But then there's more daylight in a season where there isn't as much daylight as the rest of the year! I'm going to write to my local member and suggest it.
I concur with the statement Mark made at this time last year.


I loathe and despise it, and refuse to adjust any of my clocks. If I had my way, I'd move to Alaska for half the year and live in sweet, perpetual darkness.

Failing that, I might declare my house to be an independent state with its own laws, currency and time zones. Now there's an idea...

you guys will complain about anything
i hate getting home from work when its dark
i think they should start it early like they did in 2000 every year
Why not just have daylight saving all year? And why don't people listen to me when I say that it should be in the winter?? BECAUSE IT GETS DARKER EARLIER!!
because in winter it is dark in the morning
last week it was fully bright at 5:00 am in sydney
no one gets up till 6 or so, so its a waste of daylight
why not add it to the end of the day so we can use it?
if it was up to me i would make it 2 hours
Haven't read Black Sunday yet. It's on my list but I can't find it at the library. 'Twas made into a film in the late 70s/early 80s I think.

The plot (at least what I've heard about it) sounds similar to The Sum of All Fears, with bomb threats at football games and what have you.

Just started on Four Past Midnight by Stephen King. Like most of his later stuff, I don't enjoy it half as much as I think I'm going to. Still a good read though :).

Yeah, the movie came out in 1977 but I haven't seen it.

Secret Window Secret Garden is the best of the stories from Four Past Midnight. I wasn't too crazy about the whole thing, and think that The Sun Dog is one of the worst things he's written.