Daylight Savings

Desperation and Dreamcatcher are also among the worst things he's written. Good ideas but waaaaayyyyy too long IMHO.

There's a lot of earlier King stuff I still have to catch up on. The first book of his I read was The Green Mile, which I finished in about three days.

I'm trying to make up for lost time. That's why the pile of books on my desk is interfering with the ceiling :).

Have you read any James Herbert? If so, is he any good?

Must get around to Shirley Jackson too. I keep hearing great things about The Lottery.

Yep, James Herbert is good. Haven't read any of his recent stuff, but if you want to read a great book you must get "Shrine". Pure brilliance. Other good ones include "Moon", "Creed" and "The Dark"... in fact, I bought "Moon", "Shrine" and "The Dark" in a three-set book thing (one big book with all three) so you might be able to track that one down - excellent value for money. "Rats" is good if you want schlocky horror (it's about killer rats - you get the picture). If you like books with heaps of desciptive and unnecessary violence then give Shaun Hutson a go. He rocks, and has a few Maiden references in his earlier books (especially his first, "Slugs", which is about - you guessed it - killer slugs).

Haven't read any Shirley Jackson yet.