Days of the Doomed Roll Call


Mar 30, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
So yeah, DOTD is coming right up, and it's going to be the last one for the foreseeable future. So glad I get be in attendance. Who else is fucking showing up besides the Ancient Queers? I don't PLAN on getting super fucking trashed, but people always buy me fucking beers and shots at shows and I refuse to decline free drinks so...

Also, post what bands you are most excited to see! I was actually surprised with how many bands I was looking forward to seeing live. The bands not on this list I either haven't heard anything by them, or just don't care enough to check them out. Nothing is offensive or anything, of course (except Ancient Queers). I'm so not PC.

Ancient Queers
Bible of the Devil (can't get enough of dat rok n roll)
Apostle of Solitude
Oro-fucking-druin (one of the most underrated doom bands ever. duh)
Blackfinger (even though I find some of their stuff to be really...meh)
Las Cruses (It's like the Baltimore scene, except with Mexicans /racism)
Sanctus Bellum (Cool fucking dudes)
Brimstone Coven (Imagine Ghost except not shitty and gimmicky)
Stone Magnum
Egypt (I'm not even a huge fan of the genre, but they are rad)
Jex Thoth (<3<3<3<3<3<3<3)
Age of Taurus (duh)
Trouble (Hopefully Eric Wagner gets on stage when they close with Revelation)

That's a fucking lot of bands. I'm surprised.
The PBR will be flowing!!! Oh yes it will!!!!!!!

I think the lineup is stacked to be honest.

Lots of bands I am already into, and plenty others where I have only sampled but really like what I hear (IE - Egypt)
Age of Taurus's first show on this run is tonight in Boston. It was a last minute booking. The show overall is kind of terrible, but I'm considering going because I want to see them anyway, even if it means sitting through some crap. It also conflicts with an Oak (Baltimore) show I was planning to go to, but since Oak are a US band I'm betting I'll get more chances to see them than I will A.O.T.

Looking forward to seeing Jex Thoth on either July 1, July 5, or possibly both.

Feel free to get Schmidtfaced with us and trash the hotel room.
It's in Lee's name anyhow...

Our room is in Collin's name, so yeah, plenty of New Glarus will be consumed there.

I really don't plan on getting too drunk at this fest, as I did plenty of that at MDF this year and before at Ragnarokkr. It's just not fun when you get too drunk and forget half the bands you saw. However, I always end up getting like 5 drinks bought for me by individuals, so yeah, yolo.
I really don't plan on getting too drunk at this fest, as I did plenty of that at MDF this year and before at Ragnarokkr. It's just not fun when you get too drunk and forget half the bands you saw. However, I always end up getting like 5 drinks bought for me by individuals, so yeah, yolo.

I don't believe you.
Words can not describe how awesome this weekend was.
Mercyful Mike Smith is a top notch promoter.
All the bands brought their A game, and it was such a positive vibe throughout the weekend.....

Here is a small glimpse into what it was like:
