Dbx 166XL or another comp in the same price range?

I've been fantasizing about all the stuff I'm gonna buy after I'm out of this shithole they call army, and one of the first things I'm gonna get is an outboard compressor. I've been looking around and the dbl 166XL looks nice. Does anyone have any personal experience with that one? If you know of something better in the same price range (can be a bit more expensive but nothing ridiculous :)), please enlighten me!
I have both, the DBX166XL and the RNC. I think the RNC is amazing, and the DBX I am trying to sell. The DBX is nice ok for acoustic guitars, but to me it seems like it's not all that consistent - meaning a little compression barely does anything in terms of controlling transients and the limiter has to take over. Not to mention that to me the compressor really sounds like it's sucking the life out of whatever it is your compressing. The RNC sounds a lot more transparent and it's just slightly brighter than the original signal, but when you compress, it really compresses as it says it's doing so. Meaning the RNC's meters and settings seem a lot more accurate than the DBX. YMMV.
Wow...dude RNC > DBX. Who cares if it won't go in a rack right away? It's an awesome comp that will be better than the other unit you are looking at. I think you should worry more about what the unit can do for you rather than how you can store it...just my opinion. I'd have the gayest looking guitar on the planet but as long as it played better than anything else too then it wouldn't matter to me.

I'm just saying, lol. I wouldn't ever get rid of my EC-1000...but as an example you shouldn't base your main decision on looks or how you can store/mount something. If it is the best unit for the price, then that should be your deciding factor. It's just retarded to me to spend the same or more money on a unit that isn't as good just because he can rackmount it right away.

If the 166xl has the same compressor section as the 266xl, then i'd forget about it. I've found it to be pretty much useless when trying to compress bass and I've heard other engineers say the same thing... Somehow it can't handle those high peaks and you get these nasty "clicks and pops".

Get the RNC. If you search these forums, you will find out that it's the most recommended comp for guys who are searching for an affordable solution. IIRC even Mr. Murphy has used it on some of his veeery nice sounding productions.
I'm just saying, lol. I wouldn't ever get rid of my EC-1000...but as an example you shouldn't base your main decision on looks or how you can store/mount something. If it is the best unit for the price, then that should be your deciding factor. It's just retarded to me to spend the same or more money on a unit that isn't as good just because he can rackmount it right away.


Heh, dude, of course I'm not gonna skip the RNC just because it doesn't fit in a rack without accessories - especially if it's that much better (and cheaper) than the DBX :D I just wanted to chart my options and see if there's an even better unit in the price range.

I was also looking at the Joemeek MC2 which is around 200 euros, thinking I could later get another one and put them side by side on a rack.
the only cheap compressors i would look at are the aforementioned RNC(which i own and love) and the ART PRO VLA. of course the RNC is a basic but sweet-sounding comp, whereas the VLA is a tube-based opto-compressor.

beyond that, some of the higher end DBX stuff is really nice, including the entire 160 series...after that, i'd probably be looking at 1176's, LA-2A's, distressors, and other ridiculously expensive units
+1 on the ART PRO VLA...however, we had the VLAII at the last place I worked, pretty good comp for 2bus use. Also worked great on the way in for vocals and snare drums. Honestly for $180US the RNC is hard to beat man.

i picked up my RNC used for $125

i'm also hoping that the the launch of the VLAII will push the used prices of the VLA down a bit...i've been jonesing to have one of those in my rack for a while now. if i can get 1 of those and a groove tubes brick, i think i'll pretty well be set as far as "budget" gear goes.