ddrum triggers vs. Roland triggers?

I've a set of Ddrum Pros that I haven't really used a lot (yet) but the last Ddrum Pro kick trigger I had fucked up when I was playing a gig - I'd left the trigger on the kick and some other drummer must have hit it - wires had to be re-soldered.
I'm going to be tracking bands on my ekit soon. MIDI is just a lot easier in the long run...
I've a set of Ddrum Pros that I haven't really used a lot (yet) but the last Ddrum Pro kick trigger I had fucked up when I was playing a gig - I'd left the trigger on the kick and some other drummer must have hit it - wires had to be re-soldered.
I'm going to be tracking bands on my ekit soon. MIDI is just a lot easier in the long run...

i would love an ekit. but people are retarded and automatically freak out whenever they hear the work "electric" or trigger. grow some balls
i would love an ekit. but people are retarded and automatically freak out whenever they hear the work "electric" or trigger. grow some balls

Yeah it's a tough issue with drummers alright, I should know - I am one!
For me, playing on my Roland TD3 doesn't even come close to my acoustic kit.
I love the expressiveness and feel of real drums and cymbals, something I can never achieve with an ekit. The biggest problems for me are the ekit bass drums and hi-hats. I bought a 12" mesh ekit bass drum to replace the stock TD3 kick pad, simply to accomodate double pedals, but to be honest - they all feel like shit and mistrigger like mofos. I have some cheap acoustic drum shells stacked up which I never use, as I use my primary acoustic kit for gigs etc. But I think I'll just deaden the spare 22" kick, mount one of my triggers onto it and use that with the rest of the ekit instead of the kick pads I have.
The other pain of ekits are hi-hats. Those fuckers just aren't responsive enough unless you shell out for the hi-end ones. For example, the TD3 hats - there's a noticable delay when playing a pattern which has open and closed hats. Best to just edit the changes in your DAW. Cymbal chokes are a bitch too.
But - editing is a breeze! :-)

I've looked into MIDI + real overheads, but to be honest, Superior's overheads sound better than anything I'd capture in my room.
I could post some raw MIDI played from my ekit mapped to default SD2.0 if you'd be interested in studying the velocity info etc.?
Yeah it's a tough issue with drummers alright, I should know - I am one!
For me, playing on my Roland TD3 doesn't even come close to my acoustic kit.
I love the expressiveness and feel of real drums and cymbals, something I can never achieve with an ekit. The biggest problems for me are the ekit bass drums and hi-hats. I bought a 12" mesh ekit bass drum to replace the stock TD3 kick pad, simply to accomodate double pedals, but to be honest - they all feel like shit and mistrigger like mofos. I have some cheap acoustic drum shells stacked up which I never use, as I use my primary acoustic kit for gigs etc. But I think I'll just deaden the spare 22" kick, mount one of my triggers onto it and use that with the rest of the ekit instead of the kick pads I have.
The other pain of ekits are hi-hats. Those fuckers just aren't responsive enough unless you shell out for the hi-end ones. For example, the TD3 hats - there's a noticable delay when playing a pattern which has open and closed hats. Best to just edit the changes in your DAW. Cymbal chokes are a bitch too.
But - editing is a breeze! :-)

I've looked into MIDI + real overheads, but to be honest, Superior's overheads sound better than anything I'd capture in my room.
I could post some raw MIDI played from my ekit mapped to default SD2.0 if you'd be interested in studying the velocity info etc.?
But the reality is that

yeah dude i'm using SD2, that'd be awesome
Also, in relation to drummers throwing a wobbly with having to play on an ekit: If they have a better kit and cymbals than what's in Superior, then they can afford to track in a decent room. I hope to get great results for clients who are budget conscious and won't mind tracking on an ekit once they hear the results I can get them! Once kids realise that they won't get "The Black Album" drum sounds in a shiity room for fuck all money, they won't be long coming around!
Also, in relation to drummers throwing a wobbly with having to play on an ekit: If they have a better kit and cymbals than what's in Superior, then they can afford to track in a decent room. I hope to get great results for clients who are budget conscious and won't mind tracking on an ekit once they hear the results I can get them! Once kids realise that they won't get "The Black Album" drum sounds in a shiity room for fuck all money, they won't be long coming around!

i know right? even if the drummer tells me he wants to use all his kits sounds. i stick a mic up to each drum and tell him i'm sampling his kit to use it and then i just end up my stuff in superior. and of course the reaction is always "holy shit i didn't know my kit sounds that good!" Yeah well, it doesn't
just another happy roland triggers user here!
used ddrums trigger, cheaper ones... most of them are broken now... and they let me down few times during recording session...
two years ago I bougth two roland triggers for kicks. they worked flawlessly both studio and on tour. so I decided to buy the whole lot for my set!
and i very happy with how they perform and how they are build.