De Bosuil, Weert - 29th April 2005


The one and only!
Apr 2, 2005
Nederweert, Holland
A little late, but here I am....

It is only March, but this was/is one of the highlights of this year....

It was only a pity, that this venue wasn't "packed", but this is a problem of "De Bosuil", I think...
Even what kind of band of festival there is, it is NEVER sold out....

But back to the thread...

This evening was in one word: GREAT...
There was a great support act from Holland, called FeedForward.
And then Enchant started.
I hadn't seen them for almost 6 years, so I was wondering how they would do without Paul Craddick and I have to admit, Sean Flanegan did a great job.
This guiy ROCKS!!! :worship:
The evening was great, with "highlights" from the last 10 years...

Allthough I felt sorry for the band to play for this small amount of fans, their singer, Ted Leonard said afterwards that it had been a great evening....

For them AND surely for us.... :cool:

