
Nov 8, 2001
New York City
ok, so, i ACTUALLY GOT PICKED for the jury! i was shocked, especially as i was wearing my What Would Joan Jett Do? t-shirt under my hoodie zipped up so you could only see WWJJD? across my chest, and the defendant was an Orthodox Jew with waist-length dreadlocks.

the prosecutor was this very young, obviously smart, but not (yet) very competent white lady...the defence attorney looked exactly like Fyvush Finkel. there was this one cute green-haired punky girl on the jury with me but she got thrown off at the last minute by, I think, Fyvush! grrr.

the charges were Disorderly Conduct, Negligent Driving, and Threatening A Police Officer With A Horrible Death (in legalese, though). basically, the guy had been behind an unmarked cop car, and had passed him on the left, crossing a yellow double line to do so. the cop took his license and pulled up beside him to shout "youre getting a ticket!" and the guy responded dismissively and drove off ("Whatever you have to do"), so the cop had him pulled over and then wrote him a $500 ticket on the spot. i guess he argued and said something like "When Armageddon comes, you'll be sorry" and, according to the cop, "You might get shot by your own gun!"

both the cop and the defendent were obviously lying about key parts of their testimonies. but the prosecutor sucked, and skipped two major parts that i bet would've changed my opinion if she addressed them. in the end, the judge instructed us to vote Not Guilty on the Disorderly Conduct charge, and we voted Not Guilty on the other two of our own accord.

screw you, lying cop.

it was pretty cool, actually. it didn't last past 4pm; i got to read allll day long, and i got to see how the jury system works. despite the early hours, i'm kind of looking forward to my next service three years hence!
18. But they usually let college students out of it fairlt easily. I've never been called but round these parts there aren't many that do. Basically your name is put on a list for like three months or something and if there happens to be a jury trial you get a phone call to come in. I actually only know one person that's ever been a member of a jury.
this story reminds me of another story:
a guy from a death metal band from chicago was driving along (on his way to a mixing session with the producer i heard this from), and there was a car in front of him driving slow. he tried to pass the guy, but he swerved in front of him to keep him from passing. eventually, there came a chance for the guy to pass the car in front of him, so he did. then they pulled up to a stoplight and the guy in the other car got out, walked up to the band guy's car and slammed his hand on the hood.

band guy got out, argued with the other guy, may or may not have punched him, etc. turned out the other guy was an off-duty cop and band guy got arrested, thereby missing the mixing session.
Before playing a show near my house, the drummer from iron maiden got into a bit of trouble...

He was arriving to the show, driving alone and arrived after the opening bands were already on. As he pulled into the VIP parking area, the attendant wouldnt let him through without some more ID than he had on the drummer pretty much said "If you dont let me through im going to hit you with my car." Long story short, he is being sued for assault =P But he still got to play the show!

That was in my local newspaper a couple months ago, im not sure if he settled or if there were any developments in the case since then