Dead Can Dance

I don't own any of their albums but what i've heard of them through friends i liked.The songs I heard were ambient experimental with female vocals.Very percussive mood music.Good bong music.Don't know much about the band except they have a shitload of albums (I think...I'm pretty sure) and that they have since disbanded.Worth cheking out.
I don't know what I exactly I would call their music (other than very good that is).... I guess they have some gothic influences.... They have both male and female vocals, usually equally divided in the songs (there is no combination of the two kinds of vocals. there are song with just male and songs with just female). They use a lot of classical instruments and that gives a beautiful tone to their music. Anyway get one of the following albums (or all), "Within The Realm Of A Dying Sun", "Towards The Within" or "Into The Labyrinth". Personal favorite song for me is Xavier from WTROADS (Paradise Lost have also made a great cover of this song in their latest album)
I have several DCD albums, they have a very unique sound. They combine medievil european folk elements, cathedral organ and chanting, with gothic dream pop and worldbeat. Beautiful female vocals on many tracks by Lisa Gerrard, transports you to a magical/mystical place long ago. The sound quality is audiophile demonstration class.

Best way to start is with 16 track anthology "passage in time"
Kveld mentions some of their best Cds for futher exploration.
Mmm Dead Can Dance are amazing! 4ad is the label they were on, and a fine label it is.
It's impossible to say which album is their best, I love them all and have over ten by these guys. A lot of people start with "Toward The Within" or "Into The Labyrinth"? Arrrgh I want the boxset 1981-1998 badly. :)
I have "The serpents egg", "AION", "Into the labyrinth" and "Spiritchaser" and I think "Spiritchaser is the best", then TSE, "Aion" and ITL.
I think "Spiritchaser" is superb, although I must admit that it's a record that has quickly found a safe spot on the shelf. "Spiritchaser" is a bit more ethnic than the other albums I have and this may also be why I prefer it and of course because I think the songwriting is better than the rest!
The reason why I think "Into the labyrinth" is the worst, although it's still cool, is mainly due to all the synthetic electronic shit that's on. In many cases it kind of destroys the songs. For instance the keyboard on "The carnival is over" or the drums on "The ubiquitous mr. lovegroove". I even think "The carnival is over" is one of the best songs on the lp, but it could have been better if it hadn't sounded so synthetic!
Dead Can Dance is one of the only bands, besides some metal shit, released after 1981 that I listen to, although I must admit that it's rarely that I listen to their records.
I also have all the DCD albums, well Aion's great and almost sounds medieval, Serpent's Egg also excellent, my fav' album is for sure 'Spleen & Ideal'.
It was a very special night when we were lucky enough for the opportunity to see Lisa and Pieter perform live at the National Gallery of Victoria when "Duality" was released in '98. The atmosphere was just amazing, the entire room stood silent as we listened on in awe. :)
fragile moments .... be sure I was as enthralled to try some of the links of your sig' :eek: Auroral radio noise .... man, it reminded me some cosmic/dark ambiant stuff like Depther or Alchemy of the 20th Century, total blaze into my CD player