Dead Congregation - Graves of the Archangels


i'm sciencing as fast as i can
Apr 21, 2003
Dead Congregation - Graves of the Archangels
Nuclear War Now! 31 Jan 2008
By Brandon Peters


On the path to hell, the path is gloomy, dark, and with monstrous smells. The path continues as a spiral staircase, and as you continue down you see the morbid, grotesque beasts that will become your friends. The hell is cold and damp, and which the combination brings out fear, hatred, and insanity; all of this comforts you. You’re finally home. This is Graves of the Archangels.

The album sets a demonic atmosphere, yet at the same time pleasing. The band starts off with a dark intro track, which switches from dissonant riffing to slow chords, with a constant circular riff over top. The track gives the listener a feel of awe, then right as the track fades away; the onslaught of riffs is up for the next 38 minutes. Graves of the Archangels is a demented album filled with the complex riffs that play off of each other, and switch from sweeping tremolo picked riffs to morbid awkward riffs. The band’s song writing is definitely brilliant because they are able to put a constant theme in most of their songs, while not needing to come back to riffs; however, the longer epic tracks become a bite more circular causing the atmosphere and the brilliance of their songwriting to come out. The vocals seem way back in the mix, kind of like he’s in hell yelling at you to come join him. Old school riffing with a more modern approach to song writing fits perfectly in this album; there are a lot blastbeats in this album, but the production is done so great that it lets the riffs come out which makes the riffs choppy. Throughout the album there is operatic chanting that makes the atmosphere that more intense, almost like the your trip to hell is for religious reasons.

This album’s atmosphere, writing, and production are just stunning. This album and Deathevokation are how new death metal should be made!

Dead Congregation's Myspace
Nuclear War Now! Official Website
Is it worth buying it? I couldn't find it in torrent and if it's worth buying it then I'm not going either to search for it or wait until they put it on torrent.