Dead Lionessss, my evil sister...


Satan's yoyo
Oct 31, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
I/we want to thank you for the card you sent us. it was such a divine surprise to find it in the mail box when I got back from work! obviosly, you are divine. many of us know it... . ;)

obviously, I'l reward you again. have a piece of Baron, again. :Smokedev:


I realize this thread has nothing to do with me, and I'm intruding.

However, it should be noted: BARON.


bad boy, neal! *spanks you* :loco: a picture for you

even I don't look that masculine, right? :loco:

more for mama:

ignore the details you don't like, notice (and remember!) the details you like. :Smokedev:
Tee said:
I/we want to thank you for the card you sent us. it was such a divine surprise to find it in the mail box when I got back from work! obviosly, you are divine. many of us know it... . ;)

obviously, I'l reward you again. have a piece of Baron, again. :Smokedev:


oh dear fucking god! :yow:

:loco: :dopey:
Thank you Tee.

I swear, even if that dudes hair was half that length, or even shoulder length.....I'd get all tingly. My heart did a little pitter pat.

(face turns red!)

must find more Baron. More baron to drool on....

I had the same reaction to DM's vocalist..
neal said:
haha yeh. chicks love dudes that look all femmed out.

May a turky Vulture find your head the perfect place to crap!

All femmed out, yeah, pft.