Dead Winter, Stormo, Steve and anyone who knows about laptops

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Viking Bastard
Jun 3, 2005
Houston, TX
I'm getting 466 on my tax return. I'm buying a bass amp for 150 which leaves roughly $300.

I know desktops are better for gaming, but is there SOME kind of laptop I could get with 300 dollars or a little more (I can save an extra 100 or so) that can run Elder Scrolls Online and or Skyrim? I'm willing to play on the lowest settings, as long as the frame rate is decent.

Thanks guys. I was thinking W almart would let me make a downpayment and put it on layaway or something?
You'd have an easier time buying a desktop since they're cheaper. You could probably find a cheap Acer that will do the job, but probably for about 5-600.
What Lynn said. A $300 laptop will have integrated graphics, which means just enough to get the job done. To play Skyrim you need a discrete GPU and those can run $300 for the card alone.

Buy cheap, get cheap.
John, if you want a new PC just for TESO, just save your money and get a PS4 for 400 bucks. TESO will be released on PS4 in June. That way you'll be able to play other games and won't have to worry about the specs. Even MMOs and most multiplayer games are going to consoles as well. Diablo, TESO, etc. I can guarantee you a new PS4 will run TESO better than any half-ass economy gaming rig. Also, it will be much cheaper and you won't have to upgrade as often.

The PS4 isn't just another can rival the average gaming PC easily. The only difference is the games and peripherals available for it. You wouldn't be playing simulators or WoW on it, but I don't think you'd be playing those anyway.
Sony waves the PS+ fee unlike Micro$oft for ESO too. If I remember right nvidia builds the gpu for the ps4, so I'm sure there will be some mods availiable.
Yep. Sony's new PS4 is hands-down the best deal if you're gonna get a console and you'd still like to play games like Diablo, TESO, etc.
Sony waves the PS+ fee unlike Micro for ESO too. If I remember right nvidia builds the gpu for the ps4, so I'm sure there will be some mods availiable.

No, both the PS4 and XBox One have an AMD SoC chip, meaning the x86 core and GPU. Intel and Nvidia were left holding their dicks on those deals. AMD is going to make a mint.
Awesome man! Seriously, I think since you're in a bind right now, that's the best choice. You also will be able to play as many games as they release without upgrading, and they have some amazing games coming out.