review of Novembers Doom NYC show


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003

^ Novembers Doom, Saturnus, Thurisaz, Gwynbleidd, Grey Skies Fallen

Terrible review, in my opinion, that probably shouldn't have even been written. I mean, thanking Maciej (Gwynbleidd) for getting him on the guest list then calling Gwynbleidd Opeth Jr. and leaving it at that? He also keeps talking about how he's tired the whole time, and doesn't even discuss Saturnus or Novembers Doom at all. I guess publicity is publicity, but still.
Never pay much attention to reviews. Sometimes their done well, and others don't have a clue. My experience, ears and head always make my determinations. And I'm usually johnnie-on-the-spot.
It wasn't even a review, at least not of the show. And anyone who thinks it's still a proper review because it mentions Gwynbleidd being "Opeth Jr." (give me a break) and Thurisaz being "keyboard abusing black metal" (give me another greak) is out of their mind and needs to learn something about proper journalism. Y'know again my sentiments are the same as they were towards that shitty review in the other thread..... if you're disinterested in the show or cd you're reviewing, either because you're not a fan of the style, or that particular band, or because you're too tired or drunk or whatever, that's fine man, you're entitled to your feelings. But how and why would anyone consider your opinions and review to be printworthy? What a waste of time, really. Wasn't worth the time it took for the guy to type out the "review" and for them to post it on the site, yknow? They just really needn't have bothered.
Hey everyone, guess I owe an explanation.

The only reason I posted the review was because Gwynbleidd was cool enough to get Kyle in the show at the last minute. I figured they at least deserved a semi-positive mention even if the review as a whole was shit.

In hindsight, it would have been better to just trash the whole thing or have Kyle put it up in his blog area, but at the time, it didn't seem like a big deal.

Needless to say, this is a lesson learned and there'll be tighter reins from now on.

Thanks for the feedback, honestly.

And for the record, this ONE review is not how we normally do things at Deadtide (hell, it's not even normal for Kyle, who's been churning out good stuff for us for years).

This is far more typical of our output:

Take care!

~ The Dumbass Editor that Published That "Review" :)
It definitely does read more like a blog entry than a review, that's true. That was kind of my point, if people want to write about their personal stuff that's their business but it doesn't realy belong in a review, or at least it takes some decent writing ability to mix it up properly.
Turns out that was the last GSF show ever.

I just wish we could have performed the way I know we could. I guess that was a sign of things to come, as we've now put the band on the back burner.

Oh well, at least we went out with our friends Novembers Doom and Gwynbleidd!
I'm really sorry to hear about the split, Rick!!! What a shame, I'm glad as well that at least we got to jam with you guys again.

Y'know I just want to add, that I personally think that is a really cool site overall. It's a shame that the reviewer kinda bungled this assignment and I think judging by the response from the editor, they all realise it was kinda odd to do that, but it says alot that they bothered to come forward and discuss it here too. I don't harbor any grudges against the site or it's writers. Next time Kyle get some fucking sleep and watch the whole show, damn it!!! LOL And you're right, Kyle normally does write some pretty good stuff from what I've seen. Everyone fucks up now and then. Hell, we released "Torn" LOFL (just kidding Eric!)
Damn, I came pretty late to this thread, so I will start with my initial reaction to the review itself.

that was horse-shittery at best. My question while reading the review was, why even bother posting that? Then the editor came forward and kinda made amends, so yeah, I guess if he was good enough to speak on deadtides behalf, it's deserving of being overlooked. I like most Deadtide stuff, so I wont form any oppinions, except for the fact that that was a killer fucking show, and I had a blast being there.

Dude, GSF breaking up sucks ass. I like those guys, I was working on getting them up here, perhapse with Gwynbleidd or something. Shit guys, good luck in the future, I hope all works out!
Sorry to hear this Rick. A sad day indeed. Why the break up?

No more fire. Once it becomes a chore just to get excited to jam, you have to call it a day.

Hopefully one day we can get our shit together and do the fourth album. That's a possibility, as we have about an hours worth of material written.

It sucks, but what are ya gonna do?
Dude, GSF breaking up sucks ass. I like those guys, I was working on getting them up here, perhapse with Gwynbleidd or something. Shit guys, good luck in the future, I hope all works out!

Thanks Dan! Like I was telling Paul, maybe one day we'll get our shit together. Everyone's got other stuff going on right now, and it's definitely taken a toll on the band.

Hopefully sooner than later we can finish what we started, even if it's just recording. I've kinda grown disenchanted with playing live over the past couple of years.