has been updated, and you can here Mike...


Aug 16, 2003
Visit site
After putting the puzzle together, the second option on that chalkboard that appears is now clickable. It took forever to load on my computer, but it's worth it. It's a video, featuring audio and visual samples from all of the new songs (or at least a lot of them), and you can here Mike singing on one of the first songs. He sounds excellent. The chalkboard text "Some opinions expressed as facts" can also be clicked. You can leave comments about the site there.
hmm im a little confused, i put the puzzle together but nothing happens after that...

what the hell am i doing wrong?
Wish i had seen that half an hour ago damnit.

Some of it sounds like rammstein, some has a cool groove, but the piano track sounded the best (in a how is your life today way)

Hard to tell from clips but im still excited.
NineFeetUnderground said:
are you insane?

anyway, this new preview is showing what could be the best PT material to absolutely extatic about this release...i cant wait.

:puke: (PT fanboy)

Care to tell me what you think is so wonderful about the audio clips? Minimize the video window; without the twitch-fest its quite boring.
Justin S. said:
:puke: (PT fanboy)

Care to tell me what you think is so wonderful about the audio clips? Minimize the video window; without the twitch-fest its quite boring.
Boring? Hardly. ive listened to it 4 times since first downloading without watching the video, and every time it makes me want the album more.

The hard edged riffs, the mellow guitarlines, the floydish spacey atmosphere, layered and harmonized vocals, the lush piano melodies, the reinvented radhioheadish structures at times, even the crisp to gritty at times production that engulfs it is interesting...what exactly here is "boring" to you?