has been updated, and you can here Mike...

Moonlapse said:
Yes I too heard about this supposedly being a more mellow record back to their rock roots. Even so the heavier parts of the trailer were very rocky and don't sound as metal influenced as some of the parts on In Absentia. Even so, my favourite parts of PT is when they explore ambience and sonic soundscapes as opposed to a bad reindition of what countless other bands do.

I also like the soundscape exploration and stuff like that, but why do you say countless other bands do what they're playing better? One of the things I love about Porcupine Tree is that they can present in a better way certain kinds of music I usually tire of quickly. But I guess its tough to judge without hearing the whole songs (as you've mentioned you'll have to wait for the whole release). I'm looking forward to it a lot though, seems very put together and thought out.
I dunno, it's just one of those things. I feel PT being a more profound band than most rock bands out there shouldn't confine themselves to the archetypes of the genre (ie. those hard-edged riffs, which I'll admit, I've never been a fan of... that's why I listen to metal). I think being the more 'enlightened' musicians that they are, they should focus almost solely on sonic explorations and how far they push the envelope there... I definately know I would if I knew as much about production as Steve.

This strikes me with a favourite band of mine too, Stabbing Westward. Their first album had this awesome pseudo-industrial sound to it and they were just doing all this shit with sound... I still can't tell what part of that album is guitars and what's synths, what's sampled drums and what's real. It all blended in to create these fantastic sonic soundscapes. But every now and then they'd 'rock out' y'lknow. And Stabbing Westward's rock parts, no offense, leave PT eating dust... PT don't even touch the intensity that SW had back in the day, especially in the live show.

So I think that's why I'd like PT to stick to what they seem to do best. But it isn't for me to say what they should do with their sound. I can only express what I'd find prefferable.
with the "hard edged" stuff...I view it as experimentation...wouldn't hurt to just do different things...I mean Metallica did St. Anger you know? Kreator did "Endorama"...YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN?!!

Moonlapse said:
I dunno, it's just one of those things. I feel PT being a more profound band than most rock bands out there shouldn't confine themselves to the archetypes of the genre (ie. those hard-edged riffs, which I'll admit, I've never been a fan of... that's why I listen to metal). I think being the more 'enlightened' musicians that they are, they should focus almost solely on sonic explorations and how far they push the envelope there... I definately know I would if I knew as much about production as Steve.

This strikes me with a favourite band of mine too, Stabbing Westward. Their first album had this awesome pseudo-industrial sound to it and they were just doing all this shit with sound... I still can't tell what part of that album is guitars and what's synths, what's sampled drums and what's real. It all blended in to create these fantastic sonic soundscapes. But every now and then they'd 'rock out' y'lknow. And Stabbing Westward's rock parts, no offense, leave PT eating dust... PT don't even touch the intensity that SW had back in the day, especially in the live show.

So I think that's why I'd like PT to stick to what they seem to do best. But it isn't for me to say what they should do with their sound. I can only express what I'd find prefferable.

moonlapse, i think you fail to realize how many bands do the sonic soundscape thing already. Porcupine tree are one of the better bands at it currently, but i also feel their "hard edged riffs" are among the best of that style of music as well currently. Theyre the only band i can think of at the moment which has blended hard rock, psychadelia, space rock, classic rock all with a modern twist, while still retaining classic ideals. If they just did spacey soundscapes theyd be a modern pink floyd rip off...and while YOU would be pleased with it, neither I, nor most of their fanbase would be happy with such a minimal and specified output. I just dont think theyre the band for you then. I recommend buying Pink Floyd - Meddle, and Dark Side Of The Moon...and calling it a day.
Meddle is a great Floyd album. I really love Fearless...well really I love all of the songs. Echoes is quite a trip in itself.
Moonlapse said:
That could be because it's a medley.

I think you are speaking of the video from deadwing that samples a few tracks from the record, and not the song "Shallow" that *MaDRiGaL* posted a couple posts above yours.... check it out.

:tickled: True, but I don't wanna listen Pink Floyd, better be Panzer Christ or Descensus. :rock:
\m/ :kickass:


Alternative 3 said:
This place is turning into the Pantera board with all this abuse.
Why dont we all sit the fuck down, put on some Pink Floyd and chill the fuck out.
Mr Samsara said:
I think you are speaking of the video from deadwing that samples a few tracks from the record, and not the song "Shallow" that *MaDRiGaL* posted a couple posts above yours.... check it out.


that makes sense. I also thought all this discussion was about the medley video clip.