has been updated, and you can here Mike...

NineFeetUnderground said:
Boring? Hardly. ive listened to it 4 times since first downloading without watching the video, and every time it makes me want the album more.

The hard edged riffs, the mellow guitarlines, the floydish spacey atmosphere, layered and harmonized vocals, the lush piano melodies, the reinvented radhioheadish structures at times, even the crisp to gritty at times production that engulfs it is interesting...what exactly here is "boring" to you?
More like 'oh look, another harmonied vocal WOOHOO'. There is nothing on that clip that shows Deadwing will in any way outshine, or possibly even match up to In Absentia. What's with the shitty pseudo-hard rock riffs anyway? Leave that to the countless talentless acts who seem to do it better.

What's a lush piano melody? You mean those things that have been used as filler on every PT release? Yeah, I'm really glad to be hearing more of them.

But to be honest, I am so sick to death of those harmonized vocal melodies. It isn't enough to only do it in PT, so he does it with Opeth, and even that is not enough and they keep reappearing on the upcoming release. C'mon, give it a rest Steve.

So in a nutshell, seeing as we seem to have heard it all before from PT, I'd say all of it is quite boring. I'm hearing nothing new, nothing to match up with the sonic soundscapes they created on previous releases... all I hear is some pseudo-hardrock garbage with those never ending 'open' wheeeee 'a harmonized vocal' parts.

But hey, it is just a trailer, so who knows. But as I said, nothing on the trailer has impressed me.
Moonlapse said:
More like 'oh look, another harmonied vocal WOOHOO'. There is nothing on that clip that shows Deadwing will in any way outshine, or possibly even match up to In Absentia. What's with the shitty pseudo-hard rock riffs anyway? Leave that to the countless talentless acts who seem to do it better.

What's a lush piano melody? You mean those things that have been used as filler on every PT release? Yeah, I'm really glad to be hearing more of them.

But to be honest, I am so sick to death of those harmonized vocal melodies. It isn't enough to only do it in PT, so he does it with Opeth, and even that is not enough and they keep reappearing on the upcoming release. C'mon, give it a rest Steve.

So in a nutshell, seeing as we seem to have heard it all before from PT, I'd say all of it is quite boring. I'm hearing nothing new, nothing to match up with the sonic soundscapes they created on previous releases... all I hear is some pseudo-hardrock garbage with those never ending 'open' wheeeee 'a harmonized vocal' parts.

But hey, it is just a trailer, so who knows. But as I said, nothing on the trailer has impressed me.
you know what im "sick" of? People having this pent up anger with Opeth's latest material, and using Steven Wilson as a scape goat, and then letting it spill over onto porcupine tree material as some sort of unjustified and overzealous criticism. Either way, everyone has their right to their opinion...but i think maybe 1 out of 20 people on this board IF that, were porcupine tree fans before In Absentia came to act like he needs to completely reinvent the wheel already for you seems pretty insane. One could argue the same thing about Opeth and their trademark styles...would anyone care to bring that up? I wont, because im not bitching about either band...but i personally was impressed with this trailer...and am indeed looking forward to it. Obviously some people arent going to like deadwing...and i perfectly understand that...but to go on slagging the band, the album and the past style of the material based on a one minute clip makes it seem like theres more to this than you just disliking what you heard. And for the debate whether its "filler" or not anyway...but 9 times out of 10, id prefer a lush piano melody to some chugged Open E riff you hear so whats the issue?
I only used the Opeth refference once, and it's true, he's got harmonized vocal melodies going all over the place, even in Opeth material. End of that point, and no I'm not going further into his duties producing Opeth records - that's irrelevant to this thread.

The only issue is that I didn't like the clip and judging by trailer advertisements usually containing the most beefy and trademark moments of a record, I don't think there'll be anything on Deadwing for me. But as I've said, it's just a trailer and I can't say until I hear the actual CD.

By the way, I knew about Porcupine Tree before In Absentia. I wasn't a fan when I heard In Absentia. I only became fond of the music recently when I spent some sessions just sitting down with nothing distracting me and listening to In Absentia and Lightbulb Sun on a set of good headphones. Prior to that their music generally didn't do anything for me because I never gave it a 'fair go' so to speak.
Moonlapse said:
More like 'oh look, another harmonied vocal WOOHOO'.

That's like listening to an opeth album and saying 'oh look, another death vocal WOOHOO'.
wow, the video and the music is quite awesome indeed... i'm a bit surprised by the industrial touch made in the song... it was made with a fantastic taste.

i guess that i'm on the list of people who believe not to hear Mikael's voices on the track.

if anyone can hear it... can you say the exact min:sec. where it appears?... thanx
Moonlapse said:
I believe it's the talking near the start. You know the part that undermines any vocal talent he may have.
lol, wow....someone wasnt hugged enough as a kid.

From what it seems youre that Steven wouldnt have Mikael "sing" or do anything good, because it would hurt his ego too much right? Thats why BLATANTLY on the Opeth DVD, Steven goes on about how Mikael has one of the best voices of his generation of singers...alongside Buckley and Yorke. This alone, in my opinion is astounding...for i feel Buckley is more or less in a league of his own compared to the rest of the singers of his generation.

Either way, i have respect for you...and i dont mean to be a dick, but seriously...get over yourself?
NineFeetUnderground said:
lol, wow....someone wasnt hugged enough as a kid.

From what it seems youre that Steven wouldnt have Mikael "sing" or do anything good, because it would hurt his ego too much right? Thats why BLATANTLY on the Opeth DVD, Steven goes on about how Mikael has one of the best voices of his generation of singers...alongside Buckley and Yorke. This alone, in my opinion is astounding...for i feel Buckley is more or less in a leage of his own compared to the rest of the singers of his generation.

Either way, i have respect for you...and i dont mean to be a dick, but seriously...get over yourself?
That's quite the interpretation. But no, all I said was that it undermines his vocal talent ie. I don't like it. There were no implications beyond that, so I'm really not sure what you're talking about. I still hope to hear Mike's voice used to its full effect when I get the CD.

By the way, it's more like I wasn't hugged enough this morning. I was hitting the weights for a good few hours yesterday and totally raped my body. Save to say, I'm feelin it all today, more than usual.
NineFeetUnderground said:
lol, wow....someone wasnt hugged enough as a kid.

From what it seems youre that Steven wouldnt have Mikael "sing" or do anything good, because it would hurt his ego too much right? Thats why BLATANTLY on the Opeth DVD, Steven goes on about how Mikael has one of the best voices of his generation of singers...alongside Buckley and Yorke. This alone, in my opinion is astounding...for i feel Buckley is more or less in a league of his own compared to the rest of the singers of his generation.

Either way, i have respect for you...and i dont mean to be a dick, but seriously...get over yourself?

Hmmmm, i think someone got over wanting to be a mod and turned off his little filter....YAY for me i predicted this
Moonlapse said:
That's quite the interpretation. But no, all I said was that it undermines his vocal talent ie. I don't like it. There were no implications beyond that, so I'm really not sure what you're talking about. I still hope to hear Mike's voice used to its full effect when I get the CD.

By the way, it's more like I wasn't hugged enough this morning. I was hitting the weights for a good few hours yesterday and totally raped my body. Save to say, I'm feelin it all today, more than usual.

Alright moonlapse...sorry to jump to conclusions. Im just getting quite tired of a lot of the stupid and ignorant shit flinging towards steven wilson, opeth, and other reputable artists by people on here with unjustified beefs and issues.

Im glad youre still interested in hearing the cd in its entirety, and not just dismissing it due to preconceptions.

And for my edification...are people saying that Mikael's vocals are the deep spoken word stuff at the beginning of the clip? Because i REALLY dont think it is...that voice has a british accent.