dear bathroom


Dec 21, 2001
i reall fucking appreciate how you're close enough to run water through pipes whenver itry to sleep like really loud but when I need to pee you're like falling down the stairs and going out to seei f cats need in then crawling back up and to rithe right or is it left i think right and then you start5 curving on me and then you keep moving the toilet im ena tyhat is so lame where the lhell is my vuscusro by the way? ii can't see what I'n typing


p.s. watchin g the cvat hunt bugs i8s SO neat
Actually Sam, I am using the new thread button. I may be slightly beyond Blitzed. However, I am acutely aware of my environment. I just don't feel that most throughts crossing through my mind are abundantly relevant to this forum so I keep them to myself.


p.s. remember that I blacked out in Mexico after deciding that "don't drink the water" meant "drink the firewater" but still remember every single piece of blackmail my brother told me. Thus, I am a functional drunk. However, this level of concentration if prolonged WILL cause me to pass out especially since this "progressive death metal" band is seriously very normal with only minor tempo shifts. "WOW! THEY ALMOST SOUND DOOM FOR TWO SECONDS THEN GO BACK TO HIGH SPEED POUNDING!!!" I see why they needed to release a new album this year/./
Bastard. that ain't whachoo meant at all tyoyyu were etlaking about willis again foo??? werent' ytouy arrrgh fucking hell she left otgutt mroe ooboozzze agaain!
nonmo! mo0re alchcyu got thrown outr of the rfridge asnd you know whow hthat shit gets when it;'s warm soi H ad to dirnk sommmmee. difdferent stufff,. nmore vodka than trum