I had a religious experience today (Or Join the Church of Hedon )

At some point, when reading the lines in total astonishment and certain degree of disbelief, I felt lost between words put together like "eternal lust" or "suffering of their children", as if reading some death metal lyrics.

However, the whole tone of intimate confidence and words like "brothers" and "friends" salted over the text, led me to think that there were some powermetalish hints. In search of reasonable explanations for this new religion embraced by our burrito friend, the only thing that came up was: radical changes in behavior patterns might be reported by brain tumours. You have to go to the hospital and have a CAT scan, as soon as possible.

You might end up wearing a Hammerfall T-Shirt, things never get better this way... :p :loco:

|ng (A tumour himself)
Sure the doctors said i had 3 weeks to live because i have a brain tumor the size of an orange but i say is the enlightment of the gods reconfiguring my brain into a superior state!
rahvin said:
hah, doctors! when will they learn to recognise the hand of the almighty?

That's precisely what I've been telling them over and over these years, I think it might respond to the logical uneasiness when you are facing someone actually touched by the gods, gifted in some way by Hedon the Great... or something.

But they keep on arguing defensively, as if my intelligence was some threatening menace to modern science. They, conspirators...

But what does Hedon say about using alcohol? If considering from a "let them hate you as they die" -view that might be the thing that just makes things flow on their on weight, without any effort.
Please, choose your words wisely, oh COH (chiltren of heton), and I shall consider joining an army having greater manpower than my own (we have only guy atm)!
Hedon condemns all drugs alcohol included, so we at the Church of Hedon embrace all sinners who drink because we are all sinners in the eyes of hedon and we must all suffer to learn to control our hate and despair and use it to destroy everything and everyone before destroying ourselves.