Another version of "The Mind's I" ?

Aug 12, 2004

There is a different version of this album that does not include "Tongues" and
"The Mind's Eye", but the songs "Resistance" and "Nihilist Hedon". The track
order is also slightly different.

never heard about those songs and i guess it's not true. i only found one thing about it on google:
if you listen to the songs it's totally fucked up.
that "Resistance" is "Hedon" there, "Nihilist Hedon" is another part from "Hedon" and there's some other fuck ups in that playlist where the titel says something else and the song is actually "Scythe, rage and roses".
so i'm pretty sure that thos two songs don't exist. anybody heard about this?
I'm pretty damn sure such a version does not exist - at least none of my friends have ever come across one.

But, the site you linked above ( had the funniest TMI-review ever! :D I mean, this guy is SO metal.:flame:

Yet another album from this genre - 24% [size=-1]Written by UltraBoris on July 24th, 2003[/size]

I cannot in any way find anything that sticks out from the pack of Gothenfuck bands... this is Yet Another example of this wretched genre. It's slow and uninspired for the most part, with lots of badly done repetitive passages, and a whole fuckload of Maiden ripoffs in the solos and the "interludes" - or whatever it is that you call those sub-riff melodic passages that mark, curse, and haunt every fucking album of this genre, leading to the atrocity known as "The Swedish Sound".

Oh yeah, also stuff like really awkward stop riffs (see 1:39 in the opening track), high-pitched bullshit "tremolo" riffage that sounds like a bad ripoff of the sound Possessed and Kreator came up with in the mid 1980s - sure, this is tremolo riffage, just about as much as Dork Tranquillity is metal. I mean it gets in under the genre definition, but it sure doesn't make bang my head as if up from the dead. "Zodijackyl Light" has an almost tolerable fast section, but while one guitar goes on and plays a simple and halfway effective riff, the other one is off in the right channel playing "ooh!!! Look at me!! Look at me!! Pick me pick me pick me!!" with random attention-whore notes thrown in for no reason. This band is just too fucking creative for its own good. And throw in some completely grooveless drumming that just gets in the way and prevents good headbangage, and you get - well, you get Gothenfucked.

Highlights. Oh yeah I gotta name some highlights to justify the 24 whole points. Hedon has a decent midpaced riff and then a cool fast riff around 1.30 but then they throw in that kinda mediocre fast solo that kinda fades in and out of the aural space without really accomplishing much before giving way to a completely awful slower solo. "Constant" sounds like a Pantera ripoff that someone noodled over with its Walk riff. There is very little catchiness on the album.

Oh yeah, the highlight - Dissolution Factor Red. Man, this is a pretty decent song. I can't really describe what this song has that the others lack, but I think it's drumming that is unobtrusive, guitars that carry the song, and minimal stupid noodling around, though these guys definitely spell Harmonised Guitars with a capital H for Homo.

Insanity's Crescendo... the fuck? Who's the chick and who let her into the studio? The fucking fuck!? The rest... oh, the rest. Atom Heart 243.5 closes on a good note with an almost Children of the Grave riff and The Mind's Eye is actually kinda cool as a closer, since that annoying vocalist stays the fuck out of the way... though the spoken radio shit isn't too cool, but the guitar work is nice. Oh yeah did I mention the vocalist sucks? He's not nearly aggressive to be called Death Metal, but far too growly to go along with Iron Maiden melodies played with less effort.

God damn it, this genre fucking blows.

Oh, and there's even more to it - this time the guy tells us what Skydancer is all about. :grin:

Sorry Falco, but this does blow - 34% [size=-1]Written by UltraBoris on July 24th, 2003[/size]

I mean it's not as overtly stupid as some of their later outputs, but a lot of the time the album makes me cringe, curse the gods, and wish this fucking genre never existed. Very rarely, the album shows promise, and actually sounds like it's going somewhere, but then they manage to shoot themselves in the ass.

The production is fairly terrible, and it results in a general weak sound... in the guitars, the drums, and the vocals. Everything is clear, but it sounds like the band was not putting in 100% effort. Motorhead, this is not. Te drums, first of all... sometimes they try to sound hyperbrutal with lots of snare hits but in the mix they are a bit too trebly and hissy and lack power. Same with the guitars, which aren't exactly distorted to Mortician levels... finally, the vocals, which combine the incomprehensibility of death growls with the pussyness of whispering.

On to the actual songs... Nightfall by the Shore is the opener, and for a while, I thought this album would have real fucking promise because, other than the phoned-in performance, the songwriting is decent here. Unfortunately, Crimson Winds starts off with a textbook Gothenfuck intro meloshit passage, and here is where the album seriously fucking pisses me off.

WHO THE FUCK TAUGHT YOU THAT MAIDEN SOLOS SHOULD BE PLAYED AT HALF SPEED??!!! What the shit, Batcunt!!! A thousand years of endless guano on your house!

The rest of song isn't as godawful as the intro, except for the fact that the riffs just have the general weakness as I mentioned, and again it sounds like they're playing Iron Maiden with one fiftieth the balls and 75% of the speed. The final solo is pretty cool when they finally pick things up, but god almighty they throw in some really bad ideas.

A Bolt of Blazing Gold is the album's epic number. It starts off with a really fruity ballad part... it's not emotional - it's just plain weak. It sounds like Orion with a bad case of Anemia, that's how bad it is. It just does not work - if you want acoustic passages with balls of steel, try some of WASP's "The Crimson Idol" - not this crap. This is the kind of shit that gives rise to bands like Opeth, and must be stopped immediately. Even when they "get the song going", it still sounds like a really long intro part... and I thought it was that, until the vocals came in, the "riff" didn't change, and I realised there would be no speed metal salvation. Instead, we throw in some random chick singer, for the simple reason that this band needs more cowbell, or whatever the fuck they were thinking.

In Tears Bereaved - this is supposed to be the brutal song of the album. Listen to those drums. Unfortunately, at times it sounds like a carbon copy of the first track, and then they throw in that interlude that just doesn't come out right... it sounds like a midpaced headbanger riff for a second, but then you realise that this isn't Artillery, bells are not ringing for anyone, and time has just not fucking come, and again you're disappointed, and to help selfdestruct your sorrows away, here's another half-speed Maiden solo.

I poop on you. Remind me again why I am listening to this album? Oh yes, just to make sure I know what I'm talking about when I say that suchandsuch a band completely fucking sucks. Being an expert is an agonising experience.

Anyway, the rest of the album... nothing you haven't heard before. Pretty much, the first four songs convey the entire Dark Tranquillity experience, and it is not a pleasant one. "Skywards" has some decent fast riffage but then they screw it up with first stupid drums, and then the same weak singalong bullshit they had going on before. "Through Ebony Archways" sounds like fucking Donny and Marie Osmond... this is metal?! God damn it, what happened to the good old days when bands plugged in, turned to 11, and ripped face for 41 minutes with riff after riff?

"Shadow Duet" - okay so this is pretty much two songs in one, as it is 7 minutes, but really doesn't offer much except a kinda less cheesy acoustic solo around five minutes in - too bad it's about 3 seconds long, because there they almost got it right and didn't suck, but then it's back to the same old shit. Another Maiden solo gone wrong. "My Faeryland Forgotten" - who the fuck comes up with these pretentious bullshit titles? What ever happened to fucking "Piranha" (it ain't about no tuna fish) or a simple "Angel of Death" or "Exciter"?? Oh that's right - these guys wouldn't know classic fucking HEAVY METAL if it dug their grave and planted a Marshall stack ten high as a headstone.

Say, that's not a bad idea. Oh yeah "Alone" closes the album and provides nothing new.

So in conclusion, what have we learned? Gheythenburg sucks fucking donkey cunt. This band is Gheythenburg of the worst degree. I dunno, Falco - go listen to Demilich and realise what heavy fucking metal really is. Playing regurgitated Maiden melodies at half-speed with limp-wristed intensity doesn't qualify you to be heavy fucking metal. Leave the hall!!
:notworthy I bow to that man. :D

Finally, here our trusted friend reveals the truth behind Damage Done. :eek:

Well, at least it's not Suck Flames - 25% [size=-1]Written by UltraBoris on August 23rd, 2002[/size]

Yay, so what we have here is yet another crappy, mediocre Shitthenburg album that just fails to do anything interesting. It severely violates many of the edicts of good heavy metal, choosing to bury some decent ideas underneath a pile of zombie dung, in the form of "1001 Generic Maiden Ripoff Riffs Put Through a Distortive Blender" (apparently published by some major company in Sweden, and it's a best seller!

"Final Resistance" begins nicely, and even has a really cool middle part that's somewhat thrashy - but the main verses just plain suck, as there is nothing to hold the guitar parts together. In the middle, the songs run fast enough and also the little lead guitar bits do wonders for cohesion, but the halfthrash riffs just fucking suck.

"Monochromatic Stains" commits another ultimate sin - that STUPID GODDAMN idea that if you wanna be m0dern and tr00 and whatever shit the teen angst kiddie pigfuckers aspire to nowadays, you gotta write songs that go like this:

Half a Maiden riff chopped up and gargled around a bit as an intro
Part with NO RIFFS, guitars drop away and whiny vocals come in, for verses
Another stupid dumbfuck bastardised riff comes in for the chorus
Repeat verse and chorus
Middle part with some more dumb guitar work that neither goes anywhere nor has anything to do with the previous parts - all interchangeable, you could take the intro from one song, the verse from another, the chorus from a third, the middle from a fourth, and have a perfectly "good" new song.

There, that's the Geighthenburg formula at work there. Total fucking shit.

"The Enemy" could've been a great ballad, except it was whitewashed with some more shitty boring guitar parts. It has some nice keyboard ideas, but again, when you muddle over it with the generic vocals and the generic guitars, neither of which contribute any to the song...

Ya know what, you may think you're worshipping Maiden, but Maiden definitely had much better riff construction than this. Maiden was catchy, and certainly not Eli Whitney styled interchangeable. It's all feces all the way on this album. Any good idea lasts about five seconds before it is cruelly fed into the suck machine of suckitude, never to be seen again.
Too bad he didn't review Projector - I really would have wanted to read his opinions on that one. :goggly:

-Villain (okay, I'll stop now)
I don't think his reviews are that bad. Sometimes a bit childish (Dork Tranquillity and all sorts of name changing like that), but he still explains his opinion very detailedly. Can't please everyone.
well you shouldn't read the reviews on that page. the reviews there are all written by some bounded, smallminded assholes from mostly america. they are all like "TRVE ARYSK BLACK METAL RAAAAH WTF? ANOTHER MELODEATH ALBUM? OLOLLLOOL COMMERCIAL SHIT!111111111111111111111111"
Blitzkrieg Pajo said:
so i'm pretty sure that thos two songs don't exist. anybody heard about this?
Those songs don't exist; never heard of them before.

The only songs that we actually wrote but never recorded are "Soulbreed" and "The dying fragment of an elderly dream", which were played live a few times back in '91/'92. All the songs that were recorded but didn't make it to the albums were featured on "Exposures". No skeletons left in the closet.
this is metal?! God damn it, what happened to the good old days when bands plugged in, turned to 11, and ripped face for 41 minutes with riff after riff?
now that's what I call "an open-minded argument"!