Dear Drum progamming guru


New Metal Member
May 8, 2009
First of all, thank you for the great site. I have gained precious knowledge from you lots. Ok, im a one man band.. and i write most of my stuff in guitar pro. Im ok with programming the guitar, bass etc but i have a hard time structuring the drum as i am not a drummer.. i have basic knowledge of how it works but to make it an eye opening level is out of my reach.. i will start tracking soon but the drums is holding me back..and that makes me a sad metal head. I used to have an ex drummer helping me out.. his quite good but unfortunately he became a junkie thus diminishing his reliability. My style is more towards metalcore with a slight touch of ambient ish djent. ( m trying not to be tied down to just 1 style! ) If anyone is kind enough.. are you willing to help a brother out? i want to grow as a musician and a guitarist.. but i cant do it just myself! i tried finding members here.. its either they are a good drummer who cant use guitar pro or they are a shitty drummer who isnt imaginative when it comes to groove at all! peace!

ps: metaltastic, are you a drummer?
I think one of the best thing you could do is ocasionally listen to music for maybe an hour and focus on the drums. Analyze what you hear. You could analyze guitar pro file from ultimate-guitar too.
I do listen to alot of music but i just couldnt translate whats in my head to guitar pro properly.. yeah ill try get some GP files from UM and have a listen.

you could get something like this,

and record the drum patterns to midi,
and afterwards you edit them to your taste.

Im pooooooor, anyway i seen that in action before. Are you able to fix the timing if it aint right?:hotjump:
wats quantize? =|
I only started this recording stuff 1-2 months ago.. i only discovered this forums not a noob :(
All i can say is listen to the drummers, or even better yet.. search for videos so you can listen AND see them in action, so much better to see them play fills as well.
Hey guys.. thx alot for the advise. Its well appreciated. :) I will do my best and i also will upload my progress.. i will send u a pm parsonsmatt..
thank you all once again. I love you. xoxo haha
Videos man. Spend a few hours on youtube watching drummers do their thing.

Even though drummers belive they are gods and noone else understands their noble art you can
pick up alot from just watching.
Theres a part in the verse ( wrath of ice queen ) thats random and does not fit in. pls ignore that.. i complete forgot that was there.. was just experimenting around.