dear eddie vedder


Aug 2, 2002
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You may have fooled some sucker journalist at _the Nation_ that you’re somehow a political aficionado, but you don’t have me fooled at all, you wastoid. Just because you show up at a few Nader rallies and sing a few janky folk songs doesn’t mean you’re a left wing revolutionary, and it also doesn’t retract the veritable fact that your entire career is based on your having thieved all of your musical ideas and talents from other musicians (who weren’t even all that great to begin with either, you shit for brains). Calling yourself a ‘private citizen with a guitar’ sort of leaves out the part where you’re a ‘shitty horrible excuse for a musician’. And the fact that you couldn’t even THINK of a new song to play for ralph nader and instead had to rationalize the relevance of using some beat up 60’s fight song…. Blah.

Also, I counted, and in the minimal answers in the entire interview, you used like, exactly 21 cliches. Way to go, mr. Thesaurus. Please stay out of my favorite news magazine before I am forced to like, never read it again. You diss the counting crows. Like, there’s a difference between your band and theirs?

please eat a bag of dicks,
xoxo prepz
well, if you happen to get a chance to read his horrible interview in this week's nation you'll think he's even more of a dolt.
"I was trying to write a little something for Ralph Nader when I played at a few different rallies and I was coming up with a few things and then I stumbled upon "The Times They Are A-Changin'" and it really was as relevant today as it had ever been."


REASON # 400398 NOT to leave things lying around where any dink can find them.
he also stumbled upon the 'alternative music' sensation of the 90's to which he coopted and destroyed so beautifully.
well, it really takes a brilliant mind to uncover a dusty old tune like that and give it new life. what a fuckhead.

jaenene (spelling?) garafalo had some great things to say about his political activism as I recall.
i like her. i saw her in starbucks once and she was *really really* nice to all the girls that worked there. and she had two big puffy dogs on leashes with her.
1) Part of Jeanine Garofalo's shtick is to talk about how she's not beautiful the way women are considered beautiful in show business and US society today, and she also likes to go on and on about shallowness regarding people's appearance, etc etc. which is all great and I agree with her when she says all this stuff, and it's funny too.

Unfortunately Jeanine Garofalo's boyfriend is really amazingly good looking and rich.. which of course doesn't definitely mean something but it's curious to say the least.


2) A walk to heaven isn't Eddie Vedder.
personally, i dont think that guys as cute as franz kafka at all, and therefore, cannot be considered amazingly good looking.
well, that other girl must be copying me!!!(j/k) i've had the hots for kafka ever since i read Amerika as a wee child. his ears are amazing. plus he's so weird and disquieted looking.