dear eddie vedder

Sad story: in college, at the approximate apex of Pearl jam's popularity (second album), I made the mistake of growing out my nappy hair. I was mistaken for Eddie Vedder multiple times.
Now I look like Wilfred Brimley.

I can't find any pictures of Wilfred!
weird, i was just stacking a horde of forgotten CDs, and lo and behold, there was the PJ CD with the sheep on the cover. versus? whatever the title was.

i fearlessly admit that i like their stuff. adequately emo, but without getting all real emo. screamo. i would not like them if vedder's voice wasn't fronting this band. i think the music is two steps short of PHISH.
let me say this.

i've seen a lot of fearsome pictures in my day, but that is maybe the first that i am possibly frightened by. i'm not sure yet, the lights are still on and i'm not ready to sleep, but bleh
... the guitar player is getting fat... err... i have the latest pearl jam album... riot act (uh free publicity)... and I am Mine is pretty good... there are worse bands... i can't talk about eddie vedder.. i don't care... err... shouldn't be posting this then uh?
it's a vedder changeling baby. i bet we start seeing them all over the place now that you resurrected that crappy cd of yours...
I still have Ten and Versus on tape somewhere....
the only reason I hate Eddie Vedders voice, is that it seems to be commerically viable and easy enough to immitate that absolutely ever band I hear on the radio today has a vocalist that sounds just like him.

And I also hated that pro-choice mtv unplugged posturing...

if you don't have a vagina, just shut the fuck up about it.
Originally posted by LoboUivante
... the guitar player is getting fat... err... i have the latest pearl jam album... riot act (uh free publicity)... and I am Mine is pretty good... there are worse bands... i can't talk about eddie vedder.. i don't care... err... shouldn't be posting this then uh?

did you even read the interview?!?!?!

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: