Anyone interested in the idea of an afterlife should definitely watch this. It presents various scientific/non-religious afterlife premises.
Personally I believe that an afterlife is possible even in an atheistic worldview. Here's my personal little atheist afterlife theory, and I believe one of the researchers in the video kinda backs this up a bit if I remember correctly from watching it awhile ago:
So basically, we are made up of stardust and all that jazz. This stuff that we are made of eventually coalesced into sentient/human life and we have a consciousness that lets us know we are alive, etc. So after we die, our bodies rot away and are eaten by bacteria. So basically, my theory is that the stuff our bodies are made of will once again coalesce into another sentient form and we will live again. However, this does mean that some "consciousness's" of different people might end up being combined into one being. Nevertheless, it might take billions of years, even long enough for the universe to contract and go through a whole other big bang, but obviously you wouldn't know the difference since you wouldn't be alive and of course you wouldn't have memories of a previous life. It's sort of a godless reincarnation. I don't know, I'm sure theres lots of flaws in this idea but whatever, its an interesting thought.
All of that being said...

I'm an Orthodox Christian and I actually believe in that traditions view of the afterlife simply being a state of being in the presence of God. Heaven and hell are terms, and poetic ideas, for the same afterlife. If you loved God in your life, after death when your closer to/know of/somethingsomething His presence, you'll experience heaven. Hell, is obviously the inverse of this.
But anyway, just thought I'd post my little video and
TLDR - watch the video, its cool and Morgan Freeman.