Death/Core Mix AD and Battery Content

Sounds pretty fucking sick! I think the kick could use a little more low-mids though. It wouldn't hurt to ease off of the highs on that splash or hat--whatever it is, it's kinda hissy. When it goes fast, it sounds sequenced. I think you need some more variation in velocity for those parts. The drums sound a little over-compressed in general, I can hear those little surges when a lot is going on. There's not enough body to the drums, everything else seems to overpower them to some extent. The kick is especially hurting here. Maybe it just needs to be turned up a little, but it sounds like it doesn't have enough bottom and transient. I think I'm just being picky though.

That guitar tone is crazy though, it's fucking brutal. I envy that sound so much. I love that you actually use a good amount of mids, it doesn't sound scooped at all to me. Scooped sounds are overrated and overused anyway. The mids get the guitar close enough to your face to rip it off while the highs melt your eyeballs and the lows rattle your brain out! Without the mids bringing the guitar close to your face, the bass and the highs can't do that stuff and the guitar remain distant in the mix... but maybe I'm getting carried away a bit :P

It's a pretty good mix overall. I think the drums just need a little work. Everything else is really good. This track makes me wanna work on my mixes.
I used the C4 with Andy's preset for compressing the 128hz section and 16K to kill some of the fizz.

any link for this setting/presets ???

Sound Great !!!!

Whats plugins you use for "mastering" > eq>comp>limiter ???

This is My recording Using Triple XXX > sm 57>randall Cabinets, live drums > only kick is trigerred ;)

And another sample i recorded 5150 > sm 57> Marschall cabinet

Stay Metall,
So dude i've been just jaw dropping over your mixes. its good to know that there is a super fucking awesome studio in oklahoma, other than "armstrong"
So dude i've been just jaw dropping over your mixes. its good to know that there is a super fucking awesome studio in oklahoma, other than "armstrong"

Thanks man, Im flattered. Your Hospice work is nothing to sneeze at either! I got hit up by the drummer of I Wrestled a Bear Once "he lives in oklahoma" to do their tracking for their debut cd on century media, however I doubt that will happen. Once I told him how I do my drums.. hahaha.. just signed artest want the "full studio" experience. It would be killer to work with them though.

Armstrong is great, however I don't think he is in the "metal scene" as we are, which give us an edge on this type of music. I'm hitting 32 and been in different death metal bands for half that long. It goes to say, dont put me doing country because I royally fuck that up

Anyway keep up the good work we need a good recording / production scene around here! :kickass:
hahaha totally agree. its so good to see some okie boys on this forum, man your that old haha. iam 17, and i think postmortem is to. he gets pretty damn good drum tone