Death Core....


Flaccid Member
Sep 4, 2007
This is a death core inspired thing I have been working on. Its nothing special, I'm just looking for tips and critiquing. I did this on my home computer, so it is all free plugins. I mixed this with my headphones, so there are sure to be some problems. Guitars are all PODxt, Bass is pitch shifted guitar through PODxt w/ bass expansion pack, and drums are DKFH 2. Mix.mp3
I love the drum sound.

The programming can be improved (using velocity on cymbals for instance) cuz' i hear some weird stuff on the drums.

Yup, gotta love that DKFH! I like to add some intentional mistakes to make it seem more real, But I definetly didn't spend as much time on the cymbals as I did the drums. Any comments on the guitar tone?