Death-Human and Symbolic


I take pity on your holes
Mar 11, 2002
Urine Garden
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Its too bad that Chuck had to leave this planet. He was a musical genius.

When I was younger I was in death metal band and we got the chance to open up for Death, Pestilence and Carcass. What a fucking night. He introduced me to a different style of playing guitar.
I'm not a fan of Symbolic.

Perrenial Quest is one of my favourite songs ever, but the rest of the album is not as good.

The Sound of Perseverance and Individual THought Patterns are two of my favourite albums ever, Spiritual Healing coming up close behind.

Human is good, but it's got nothing on TSOP.
Hm, I'll have to disagree with you Trapped, IMO Symbolic it's my fave Death album ever, but I love ITP too.............anyway, Human and TSOP, are fucking great either, but considering these four records, my fave is Symbolic.......

But the Scream Bloody Gore, Leprosy and Spiritual Healing are Death Metal masterpieces........Are awsome too.
Symbolic is a cool album, it reminds me of Kreator.

It's kindof off on a tangent from ITP and TSOP tho, it's in the middle of them, but it's nothing like either. It's heavy thrash, like later Kreator and Testament, it's not complex like ITP or TSOP, and at the same time, the songs aren't as well written...

Plus i don't like the production job on it, it's too boomy, it's much the same as Dead Heart in a dead world (listen to the drums...)
I'll have to disagree again :p.......The drums on DHIADW sounds preety good to me:)
But I have to agree with something....: yes it's not complex as ITP or TSOP, that's true, but it has a peculiar complexity itself, but, not as the albuns you've mentioned. I agree with you in this point.